Fixing What's Broke - A Crisis of Leadership

in #crypto8 months ago

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Whatever problem you care about, it is being caused by the corruption of government. Wherever you live, your government is corrupt. Whichever leader you point to, from Bukele in El Salvador, to Putin in Russia, it can be shown that leader is receiving more money than they are officially paid as salary for their official position as a government servant. Whether Pelosi's outperformance of the market picking stocks, or Putin's $B's, it actually isn't hard to prove national leadership in every polity on Earth is enjoying the proceeds of corruption.

This is an inherent feature of government. It's not even problematic - for the psychopaths that seek wealth and power beyond what is potential to good, honest people. It is blatantly, blindingly obvious, at every hand, wherever you look in the world, however the most wealthy made their money, whatever industry they are in, whoever you look at. From Carlos Slim, the Mexican Cell Phone service magnate, to Elon Musk, Spacex's engineering autist, you will find connections to government that lead to extremely rapid accumulation of enormous wealth. Government is the exclusive source of excessive wealth because government is the exclusive vector of authority over people, and people are the source of all wealth.

No dogs or fish, trees or fungi, bacteria or virii, are trading stocks. People generate wealth, and government controls people, which separates them from their wealth. Every person on Earth is subject to governmental authority. No one is free.

Well, except those that are corrupting government. Those that control government obviously don't subject themselves to the affliction of governmental authority. Fiat is created out of thin air by commercial banks. Every unit of account thereby created is owned by someone. The tens of trillions of dollars borrowed by taxpayers (who are then legally obligated to pay that debt at interest) isn't owned by the natural universe, God, or dogs and virii. It's owned by the investors in commercial banks that lend it to government, and you owe it back to them because your government borrowed it from them on your authority.

Investors in commercial banks literally are accorded ownership of money they conjure out of thin air that YOU owe them at interest.

Is there any possible mental gymnastics you can perform that can justify that?

No. It is fraud. Whatever rhetorical justifications are undertaken are necessarily criminal conspiracies to defraud, and the people that claim to authorize it are liable, as are all the beneficiaries of the crime. All the acts ascribed to government aren't committed by pieces of paper, or the squiggly little lines on paper. They are committed by people. Those people are criminals, harming you, liable for their crimes in any just world.

This crime is the essential premise of government. Government is predicated on the premise that people are subject to authority outside themselves. Because God doesn't Their Holy Selves' exercise that authority, fish and fleas, grass and trees, don't step up to oppress humanity, the humble governmental servants must step into the breach and act on behalf of... what? People? Who's rights to exercise authority are they exercising on their behalf? The people being oppressed?

It's not superable by any stretch of imagination. When considered at it's fundamental basis the concept of government is unjust. The people that claim to act on such authority are only criminals. Paper can't act. Squiggles on paper can't act. Fish, fleas, and trees can't legally act to commit such oppressions. Only people can do this, and only people do it. It is those people that commit all the crimes ascribed to government. The government servants, agents and officials, bureaucrats and clerks, are criminals, just as criminal as flash mobs stripping the shelves of markets, beating and raping little girls in alleys, picking your pocket in the press of the mob that keeps you from noticing it at the moment.

It doesn't matter if it takes you a while to notice it. It's still a crime, and you've been criminally victimized. However long it takes you to notice you've been robbed, it doesn't change the fact you've been robbed. Take your time. Carefully consider your person and other people, and which other people you grant the right to rob you. If you are capable of grasping that no person has the right to rob you, unlike a fish or a flea that is incapable of such understanding, you have understanding you have been robbed, and owe yourself justice.

Any form of government can only be effected by persons acting as claimed agents of government, which can only be a theoretical agreement between people that have rights, at best - of course, it can be less theoretically lawful, just the outright violent oppression of people that do not agree - so there is not any theoretical government that cannot be oppression of some people by others. Agents of government cannot be lawfully ascribed any of the powers they claim as government agents, and can only act as oppressors regardless of whatever rhetorical constructs they may arrive at to justify their actions.

I have long waxed verbosely regarding what to do about it. I'm not going to go into detail here to describe how to resolve the matter, but I'll mention it briefly. It's pretty obvious that violence has been undertaken throughout history, and we can see that whatever successes violent revolution has claimed, it has only ever restored the injustice of government, and we can observe that today all humanity is subjected to criminal government. Violent revolution cannot succeed to eliminate government. It can only enable some new government to criminally take power. Revolution is not the solution.

What could possibly eliminate the scourge of government that can employ armies to subjugate us? Well, it is not armies that subjugate you to the theft government inflicts on you. IRS agents don't come to your door and take your furniture. You are robbed of your wealth by your participation in economic transactions using fiat. It is the dollars in your pocket that are robbing you. It is your participation that robs you.

But how can you live without money? How can you pay rent, eat food, giggle at memes, or get dates on Tinder without spending money on the means of creating that actual wealth money can buy? What other means of achieving wealth is possible?

Well, a moments reflection provides the certainty that life existed before money. Neither is money necessary to create modern technology. There isn't a circuit in a chip that is only possible because of fiat. Not one drop of water falls from your shower head or faucet government is necessary to create, transport, or deliver. Whatever means of production exist to create every blessing of civilization can exist without money, government, or oppressing you.

Government is at best an agreement between people, and agents of government claim governmental authority to steal your wealth. So do not delegate to government agents any authority over you. Produce goods and services you exchange with others without involving fiat that is the vector of government authority that robs you. I do this. I am aware it is difficult to avoid fiat, and I confess I do not do it perfectly. However the vast majority of transactions I undertake are not purchases I spend fiat on. Long before there was fiat, and agreements called government, transactions occurred, and the goodwill people used to value the goods and services exchanged prior to fiat still exists. Goodwill is still viable to employ for the purpose today, and government still has neither right nor ability to rob you of it.

Goodwill you create cannot be taxed. It cannot be stolen. It cannot be inflated away, rust, or be eaten by moths. It is the esteem of people you merit by benefiting them. It is just, equitable, and inures only to you by virtue of your actual virtue. Government is the essential conduct of our affairs, and when we simply conduct our affairs with means we personally possess there is no route to govern us potential to others that claim authority, because they must have vectors to attain to our production. Fiat is that primary vector, and other vectors, such as armed thugs, are generally avoided with a bit of care and forethought to your associations (not quite as easy as it sounds, and more or less so in different places, as I have learned to my lifelong regret). If governmental authority is claimed to be granted by the governed, then do not grant it by being governed, be free by governing yourself.

By transacting without involving fiat, the primary vector of criminal oppression, the vast majority of that criminal oppression is avoided, and actual wealth and freedom are attainable. Each of us must themselves reckon how best to do that in our personal circumstances, and I will leave it to you to undertake your wealth and freedom as you see fit based on the facts I have herein related. However, I will add that goodwill is only valuable to people capable of it. Use good judgment.

Finally, it is predictable that criminals will eventually employ armed thugs to force you to comply. Sooner or later it will be necessary to secure your life, freedom, and treasure by preventing armed thugs from beating you into submission. The most valuable security mechanism you can buy is the goodwill of allies that have your back. No piles of ammo or machine guns in walled compounds innawoods will protect you from gangs of armed thugs if you do not have allies. DUMBs are dumb. Earn goodwill.

It is your actions that free you, or subject you to oppression. Be free.


By transacting without involving fiat, the primary vector of criminal oppression, the vast majority of that criminal oppression is avoided, and actual wealth and freedom are attainable. Each of us must themselves reckon how best to do that in our personal circumstances, and I will leave it to you to undertake your wealth and freedom as you see fit based on the facts I have herein related. However, I will add that goodwill is only valuable to people capable of it. Use good judgment.

Dear @valued-customer !
Are you saying that the public should stop using fiat currency and start using cryptocurrency?

Yes and no. I am saying we should quit using fiat. However, I am not saying we should use cryptocurrency, although that presently does largely avoid many of the harms of fiat. I do recommend exchanging goods and services for goodwill, because that avoids all the ills fiat introduces. However, goodwill cannot be exchanged with just anyone. Only honorable, good people are capable of transacting in goodwill, and while many transactions are impossible for this reason, I consider that a benefit, causing us to carefully consider who we transact with, which I believe strengthens society by strongly encouraging people to be honorable, by excluding people without honor from exchanging valuable goods and services for goodwill.

I believe cryptocurrencies in their present forms are traps, because people naturally use the internet to transact, and we do not own the internet. It is owned by the same people that benefit from fiat, and being dependent on the internet for our treasure's value makes us vulnerable to censorship, which the owners of the internet can impose at any time, at their sole option. The internet is not a stream flowing in the woods, on public land, that any bird, squirrel, or thirsty traveler can drink from freely. The internet is a privately owned structure we pay to use, and that use can be restricted at any time by it's owners. They do not owe us use of their property.

Cryptocurrency can be devalued by being censored. It's just data. We observe lots of communications on the internet are censored by the owners and operators of the various platforms, services, and mechanisms comprising it, sometimes at the orders of corrupt governments. I do not have confidence in cryptocurrencies because their value depends on being able to transact in them, and that is dependent on being able to be transmitted on the internet, which is currently allowed us by our enemies that own and control it. I believe they do that to bait us into becoming dependent on them for the value of our treasure, which they can use to extort us at some future time. Many people were coerced into being jabbed by the threat of losing their jobs, and by that same mechanism people can be coerced into actions by the threat of losing the value of their crypto holdings. Delisting from exchanges is a form of censorship that has threatened Monero's value recently. Hive not being listed on many exchanges reduces it's value. There are more intrusive censorship mechanisms that have not yet been used that are even more destructive of value, and as long as we depend on infrastructure owned by our enemies, we are vulnerable to such hazard.

Goodwill is not dependent on the internet, and is not threatened by any form of censorship that yet allows people to communicate and interact at all. It is far more robust than any cryptocurrency.


The root reason many oppressed people are not into crypto is because not everyone is IT specialist with cutting edge knowledge to prevent hacking or writing codes to protect their PC and crypto wallets from hackers. It's expensive to constantly pay for VPN, antivirus, upgrades, and etc. There are some people out there whose real job is running scam centers. Blogging is just a side job that enables social engineering of a higher degree.

This is true. I have been using computers for many years, before DOS was even created, and long before Microsoft and Apple became public companies. In these decades I have lost a lot of data when hardware or software failed. A lot of people do not have trust in data security for this reason. Most casual users of computers and the internet are not diligent at backing up their data, as I have not been in the past, and realize their poor practices leave them vulnerable to losing their data, which in the case of cryptocurrency is also their valuable treasure. Cryptocurrencies are just data.

Unfortunately, there are very few alternative means of transacting in cryptocurrencies other than the internet. Paper wallets are incapable of maintaining a blockchain. Without the internet over which to communicate transactions, cryptocurrencies are completely impractical, and thus have no value. Along with catastrophes like solar flares and EMPs, the censorship of our communications on the internet is a threat to the value of crypto. The owners and operators of the platforms, services, and infrastructure comprising the internet are extremely experienced at censorship. Because cryptocurrencies are specific kinds of data, they are able to be censored with facility, and this is why I don't depend on cryptocurrencies as money. Neither do I depend on banks, because I do not trust them either. I don't trust fiat, for many reasons, but at least I can hold cash in hand and disburse it at will in person, which I can depend on, unlike banks or the internet.

While cryptocurrencies are not strongly censored today (depending on jurisdiction. I hear Honduras has just banned them entirely), there are increasing examples of them being censored, such as Binance recently delisting Monero. One of the limits to Hive increasing in value is the lack of exchanges listing it. However, even DAO's or other decentralized exchange mechanisms that cannot be ordered by corrupt governments to delist cryptos, such as Rune, are able to be prevented from enabling transactions with cryptocurrencies by being prevented from communicating on the internet. They can just be excluded from using it by censorship, using AI to recognize specific text strings the same way they do posts bad mouthing Anthony Fauci on Twatter.

We don't own the internet. We have to accept the limitations on our use of it imposed on us by the owners, or they can just exclude us. Any cryptocurrency can be excluded from the internet completely by the agreement of all of the owners of that infrastructure. The order of the US government to Binance to delist Monero was a limited act of censorship, and Monero continues to retain value and transactions continue to be possible on the internet via other means, but there is no guarantee that will continue.

This delisting should be a warning to everyone that values their cryptocurrency holdings. We should recognize the threat of censorship to our treasure. I have long advocated that cryptocurrency owners should invest in an independent internet infrastructure we ourselves own, so that our treasure cannot be devalued by being censored. The internet is wholly owned by the legacy financial markets the people that own cryptocurrency consider our enemies. I believe we are being baited by our use of the internet being facilitated while the value of our crypto holdings increases. The more valuable crypto is, the more powerful the extortion value it has over us when we are threatened with it's loss. Many people accepted jabs when their jobs were threatened, for example. If people holding BTC are told that they must accept CBDC or lose the value of their BTC completely, almost everyone will take the CBDC, and BTC can be excluded from the internet with increasing facility using AI. Mike Benz describes in detail how mass censorship has been conducted, and BTC is no more secure or resilient than ISIS.

However, no one seems to care what I think, and I see no evidence anyone is working towards that goal. Blockstream leases a satellite network for that exact purpose, but they do not own those satellites, and the owners can just quit taking their money, or demand any restrictions they want. Blockstream isn't any more secure from USG censorship than Pornhub. Probably less so.


Thank you so so much for your very informative replies. I learnt a lot. Wow! The extent of your knowledge and overall sense of "wokeness" is truly impressive. I advocate those in oppressive countries to build good relationships with their neighbors and practice bartering. If they have limited spaces in their garden, just grow one type of vegetable in each household. When ten households get together, they'll have 10 different types of vegetables to put on the dining tables.

I don't fully trust crypto or fiat either, that is why bartering, physical silver, and physical gold will come in handy. Of course, people with sought after skill sets won't starve or freeze to death either. They can exchange for example, clothes making skill with carpentering skills or plumbing skills.

Hahaha... The Pornhub joke was really funny! 🤣 Keep this to yourself, there were times when I felt that I was being monitored online for data collection purposes, so I visited strings of porn sites to irritate those busybodies.

"I advocate those in oppressive countries to build good relationships with their neighbors and practice bartering. If they have limited spaces in their garden, just grow one type of vegetable in each household. When ten households get together, they'll have 10 different types of vegetables to put on the dining tables."

And more, when danger comes, neighbors can depend each on the other to defend their common wealth.

"...I visited strings of porn sites to irritate those busybodies."

LOL Salting the data they mine is the only rational strategy IMHO.
