Crypto coin price estimator based on market cap growth.

in #crypto8 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm new to Steemit, but I'm not so new to crypto and block-chain. I'm wondering if anyone would like a website, which would allow to estimate future crypto prices by amending market cap?

Webapp would pull the data from MCM to get current crypto market cap, which then you would be allowed to amend.

Formula would be: market cap / available supply = price. Market cap in this case would be variable which user can amend, to simply workout future price based on MC growth.

This would allow easily estimate, what market cap growth you would need in order to sell your crypto with profit, and then you can decide whenever it's likely to happen.

Thanks, Voouss


Wow. it will be great to have such an app. Are you a dev

hey tj4real,

Yes I'm a dev, and I think I could pull this off quite easy, just want to know if there would people who would want such tool at all.

From your comment, I assume you would be up for using it.
