Star Wars Crypto Trading #9

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Back in his parent's basement, Obi-wan sits in front of a computer screen, pouring over the latest listings on coinmarketcap, while pm-ing Luke. Let's join him now, and not a moment too late, to catch these pearls of wisdom from the wise one.

Obi-Wan: There's so much now that i like that's under a dollar. I'm looking at things for just a few cents, with small supplies.
Luke: I've noticed that also.
Obi-Wan: There's so much happening now. Too much.
Luke: like the internet bubble days.
Obi-Wan: I witnessed that.
Luke: did you lose money?
Obi-Wan: i bought Apple. no kidding.
Luke: wow.
Obi-Wan: i was into music and all the artsy people were into Apple. and i had a couple thousand suddenly. so i put it there.
Luke: nice.
Obi-Wan: But this is all different now. Because the trading is so much more available. anyone can do this now.
Luke: yeah.
Obi-Wan: But on the other hand, ANYONE CAN DO THIS NOW. know what i mean?
Luke: no.
Obi-Wan: its a mob. and most of them don't know shit from shine-ola.
Luke: What?
Obi-Wan: I find myself in this dilemma of whether to bet on the last sucker rule, or actually invest in things i can appreciate for their innovation or use-fullness, things like that.
Luke: whats the last sucker rule?
Obi-Wan: i don't know what its called. whoever's left holding the bag.
Luke: what bag?
Obi-Wan: the hot potato.
Luke: huh?
Obi-Wan: its a zero-sum game. and someone's got to lose. who's holding when the ship goes down. that's the last sucker. its a ponzi scheme.
Luke: I C.
Obi-Wan: I find myself just day trading more and more, looking for where the crowd is. and a lot of times their all gathered around something dumb. throwing the money at it. And i just think, i'd rather be involved with something smarter that i feel good about. but its too tempting to follow the crowd.
Luke: and they're all there for the same reason.
Obi-Wan: a lot of them probably are.