Which crypto are you buying today?

in #crypto7 years ago

Are you guys scared yet? Perhaps it’s because I didn’t invest any fiat into crypto but my only regret is that I don’t have any fiat right now to invest ...what an amazing sale!

So let me live vicariously through you! What will you be buying today?

If I had a chance I’d be getting my hands on EOS and Neo. I had been focusing on small caps so much these past weeks, planning to make a few quick bucks to put into those coins, now they’ve jumped before I had a chance. This week may be the last chance to get on board before they make another jump.

What about you, what will you be buying?

if your happy and you know it...image link


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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories

by @skyleap


Bought some more bitshares today. Decentralized exchanges are the future.

Anything Dan touches is gold :D

He does seem to know what he is doing! This is also why I’m following EOS so carefully

I don’t fully understand the concept but it does seem like a good buy, I just opened a new account after losing my old one (luckily only a few whaleshares in it).

Steem. and then gonna HODL it, lol.

Nice! Is there a way to PayPal to Steem without signing up for anything? X-D

I usually buy/sell BTC or LTC via coinbase and then go from there to Steem - theres a few fees but it is convenient

Not sure what to buy!

A veritable smorgasbord of delights.



So many to choose from!

Steem, EOS and Monero :D

Thank you for the nice comment on my blog btw.


Nice choices....I may manage to get $300 to put into eos and Steem X-D

And same goes to you, I don’t get too many steemit celebrities over here yet...just a few ;-P You are the Queen of Engagement at steemit! I will follow in your footsteps and make sure I have time for as many people as possible when I’m massively trending on every post X-D


My picks are Xtrabytes (XBY) and BlockCAT (CAT), great projects with a brilliant purpose!

Thanks for sharing those. I haven’t heard of them. I’ll have to check them out!

Definitely looking to pick up some more Steem, TRX, LTC, & Bitcoin today but Civic is an Ethereum based token that has become a HODL favorite of mines.

I was also eyeing trx, i don’t think it’ll jump like last time but it may be the last chance to buy this low. Civic is only my list but not one of the highest, I may get some next time it’s low relative to the market. Lightcoin....i have some, I’m starting to wonder if I should trade it all...

And always Steem!

got some cure coin and Doge coin :(