
Is it decentralised though? Decentralized exchanges is the ability to trade any coin even if they are hacked ones. As long as they didn't double spend or created out of thin air...
They block the Tx(aka freezed the funds) that not much of a decentralized exchange...

Yea I was just typing that. I don’t see how a dex could have all these funds accessed.

Cool I thought I was one of the few to notice this :)

I thought they said blockchain technology is very secure, how come hackers were able yo break into an exchange that should be very secure?

Well for one Bitcoin blockchain tech is the most secure. Second Smart Contracts are known to be buggy and full of security holes plus smart contract does not = blockchain. It just a tech running on blockchain. Third, Smart contracts are often coded wrong hence why hacks as well.

Those online crypto heists are crazyyyy :o

Yea they are getting kind of crazy.

When did this happen?
I predict extra downfall at the prices....
Ffs, exchanges should have the ultimate protection, but online theft has become a routine nowadays....just shame

You would think they would be better protected. Also how can it claim to be decentralized if all the funds could be accessed.🤔

The world of encryption has become so great my friend
Thank you for the great information

Always a reason for the market to fall

@crypto2crypto this is very bad news all crypto lover

@crypto2crypto day after etherium founder vitalik buterin comment on "centralized exchanges burn in hell" the decentralized exchange got hacked !!!! This raises doubt about decentralized exchange security :)