Anyone who has followed me from my days primarily on youtube knows that I am extremely picky about what I purchase, but when I do I make a splash. So I just wanted to give some insight on what I hold and plan on holding for a long time. I won't be posting what quantities I hold (Yet) but you will have a picture of how I operate.
In no order of importance ( maybe ) here is my line up and the USD price I paid for them:
BTC? Steem $1.39 Wanchain$2.86 Icon $1.55
Vechain $.22 Ren $.029 Aphelion $.31
Nuls $.44 Apex $.15 Eos $.54 CPChain $.11
Trinity $.09 Zcoin $9 Celsius $.24 Bibox $.73
Themis $.037 Aurora $.13 Remme $.012
Neo $2.3 Blockv $.009 Request $.037
Payfair $.0073 XNK $.032 Gas ? Trac $.33
Zoi $.085 SBD ? OMG $2 EVE $.08 ZRX $.20
ARK $ 1.5 ENG $1.1 IDXM $3200
I Know I Know you are thinking I am spread way to thin, but I assure you I am not. To have an Idea of how that can be I posted my purchase prices and I follow a purchase scheme of 2.5x.
By purchasing 2.5x what I intend on holding I am able to recoup the investment and take profits all while not destroying my core holdings. This has allowed me to hold long without fear of missing out on the chance to sell at big profits and not holding on too long that I lose my initial.
If you have any questions drop me a comment and we can talk it out.
surprised to not see ZEN and ZEC :)
Tell me about it, It came down to pick just one of the Z privacy coins Zcoin seemed to have the most room to run. Did i drop the ball? Not at first but boy has that changed.
what is z privacy coins?
I'll pretend that any questions means literally that, and not any questions related to the post 😃
Since you know what you're talking about, let's say there's a guy who hasn't started his crypto portfolio yet. He has 1k to start and can afford to lose it. What alt-coins may appeal to him?
Well Ill take this this on as well.
First I would take 15% and keep it as BTC ( rainy day fund)
but before I go any further, is this short or long term?
Long term, the guy is rather lazy and doesn't want to pay much attention to the daily ups & downs.
Lol. well alright I would take the rest and park it in REN at it's next dip. This Is a coin that I am Extremely high on and will require little maintenance.
The guy says thanks 😃
I Dont think you're spread thin at all. This way allows for optimal profit maximization and loss minimization
I would counter that that in a bear market this could do the exact opposite. I have seen it work out in both directions.
Nice. I’m holding about 7 of the same and then some others but I only got in dec/Jan so I’m still down. Learned a lot since the beginning though so I’ll be better prepared going forward.
As long as you learned and are ready, the experience will carry you a long way. Glad you are sticking through.
which 7 by the way?
Yup. I wish I would have entered either 2 months prior or two months later but it just worked out that I came in when I did. Learned some lessons right from the start. Lol.
As for me now? Not touching anything. I promised myself when I got in to at least see it through until 2019 before I make and decisions on what I’m doing next. In the last 6 months I’ve absorbed a ton. Done research and feel I’m backing some great projects that can go places so I’m sitting pretty for the long haul.
Btc,wan,steem,tnc,ven,gas, and neo are the ones our portfolio have in common.
Nice those 7 happen to be on my heavier side as well. Honestly at this point you are better off accumulating cheap and riding the huge wave that is sure to come. No need to check prices daily as you will lose your hair.
Nice! Glad to hear that. Especially reading your story from several days ago. Very inspiring. Some others I’m holding are BTO and INT. For myself, healthy stockpiles on those. Then just some others randons that I like.
I got in late in today’s terms but overall still early as I believe this is going to grow annually and as it becomes more mainstream...”late adopters” such as myself will actually be early. At least I hope. lol.
Next year you will laugh at this late comment.
I hope so brother! You got in last year...right?
I didn’t know some of these coins!
It is always good to purchase more than you want to hodl and sell the overburn with a profit to recuperate the investment.
Do you also have a selling plan for each coin? Or do you just let them ride?
I do find it personally very difficult to sell! Always afraid that it will moon afterwards 🤔 Silly me!
I am playing with only a small fund so I cannot buy all the coins I do want!
Learned some lessons from you, @cicbar and @tradurgirl that it is better to make a splash then to have to may small investments!
Yea a most of these took a bit more digging to find. I always buy a lot more then needed, so I don’t have the hard time selling cause it can be tough.
If you go through these holdings you will see that these are are residual coins so no plans on selling any.
Missing moons gives us all the chills.
@tradergurl This port should have you pulling your hair out :)
once you showed us your wallet, there were 8 BTC there i think so :p
The world may never know.
Yeah, that is what Crypto is all about. brother From how much we can start trading?
I mean i have 8 sbd's in my bittrex. can i start trading?
Have you ever done so before?
Never ever! can you teach me, please!
You have spent alot of money my friend. Hope it pays out well. Guess am going to learn alot from you
Not as much as you think.
Love the transparency, @crypto2crypto. I found your account through your 'So I quit my 90k a year job...' post and was very impressed. Firstly, congratulations on your achievements so far.
As far as investments go, I was wondering what kind of strategy you employed to unearth these gems at such an early point. VeChain at .22 is already impressive, but that has a LONG way to go.
Of course, the standard answer would be to simply research and invest in the fundamentals, but in terms of starting places, I was wondering if there were sources of information you looked at, certain people you learned/learn from etc?
I am already making decent gains in my investments, but I will be honest and say that I am dreaming of seeing that million mark in my portfolio. Any guidance you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. :)
Hey my friend I appreciate the kind words. My investment strategy is pretty simple. Look for coins that aim to solve a broader issue and have verifiable teams behind them.
Research goes a long way, but making friends with well connected folk helps as well. Vechain was a find from a close friend of mine who happens to be a respected attorney in the crypto space. So networking is more important then you can imagine.
Don't doubt your portfolio lol, I was wishing for 300k in 2 years and you see what happened.
gimme some money, pls
if you get those staking coins, do you actually stake or keep in exchanges. You seem to be powering up your steem so I assume there is a mix
and do you actually also like nodes and such and have some and so which ones?
I keep my staking coins in my personal wallets. I intend on esrneing every penny possible from them.
I love nodes and some that I have set are not yet active
Zcoin Ren Ven Nuls tnc apex aph icx.
i like the smartcash communtiy here on steem, and i like the project, good community and being able to get a smartnode for around 1k is cool
on another topic, is there a reason you are only voting for one witness?
we have recently set up our own witness but we are really struggling to get votes. your vote for our witness would probably set us at breakeven.
if you do not have an issue with it you can vote through this link over steemconnect
You bought EOS for just 0.54$?Wow!
I would also love to know what convinced you to invest in APH?
Yea I was bullied into buying it by a friend of mine and boy did it payoff.
I bought aph for a few reason. It is a dex exchange, offers discounts on trading 30% dividends and will be tradeable in wallet.
Surprised there is no Ethereum in your wallet
Not big on Eth as I am banking heavy on EOS.
No EOS, you are missing an opportunity of a lifetime here sir. With all the airdrops happening, token renting, RAM/storage trading the passive income potential is huge.
I would love to know why such a long-term investor and follower of crypto has not grabbed a bunch of EOS maybe I have misinterpreted the situation here?
I have Eos m. I don’t have ETH
Good stuff, I just did not see it listed in your post
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 6.96% upvote!
I was summoned by @crypto2crypto. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...
A portion of the proceeds from your bid was used in support of youarehope and tarc.
Abuse Policy
How to use Sneaky Ninja
How it works
Victim of grumpycat?
This post has received a 6.57 % upvote from @boomerang.
Good strategy. Buy low and average down. I do similar.
Yup I took some Ls on this list Namely trac, but by averaging down i have fixed that issue.
Yes! We all take ls. But the wins are so much greater!
Brother, i am waiting at TG.... Shuvo Mahfuz
whats your view on OST and Qtum.. Both r acting same as BTC is what i feel.. even VTC
I use to hold a bunch of Qtum but I sold because for some reason it carries the stigma of being neos little brother.
us Steem Power & get 100%daily rewards Payout! 20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500,1000 or Fill in any amount of SP Earn 1.25 SBD Per 1000 SP | Discord serverYou got a 93.33% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @crypto2crypto! Delegate
I'm sad to see some of my picks are not there, like Bitbay, Qwark, Digital Note, and Cardano. I do like some of your choices a lot though, like NEO, OMG, APEX. These days, I'm concentrating more on 3rd Gen blockchain tokens and coins.
Cardano was tough to leave out, but it fell victim to Eos. Also the 100k min to stake was rough.
3rd gen blockchain offer so much, but so man are just proof of concept at the moment.
My understanding is that Cardano doesn’t (or won’t I should say) have a minimum to stake. Where did you get the 100k minimum figure, I’ve never heard that.
Man o man wtf did I do. I swear someone from the research group put it on the trello board. I have been under this assumption for months
Thanks to you for this thread, you are in discovery thereof! 😆 Nonetheless, it is a good thing as ADA has lost over 85% of its value since January! 😎
Well, as you said above we're all still pretty early in the game. It's not too late to adjust and add some ADA to your portfolio. I'm humbled I was able to provide a nugget of info to you that may be beneficial.
I appreciate the help my friend. Now I truly regret not buying up that dump to 15 cents :( anywho i have sent a token of my appreciation
Surprised not to see KMD there...
It was one of my largest holdings, had to change that though. Reasons untold
reasons Untold? please share,,, its not s supernet project anymore?
hallo, here i want to ask how to safely invest in bitcoin, please give me suggestion how, because i do not understand the steps
Google it?
Hey mask, thanks for the kk d words! I really want to ask you some questions that will help with my trading. I haven’t made the move to full time since I haven’t been profitable, but I’ve been dojng a lot of research.
Can I contact you on telegram to bounce some questions?
My telegram is @peter31
Messaged you.
hey i am too a crypto enthusiast ..would love to be part of this :-)
Thank you for sharing the coins you hold. Its great to see your patient attitude.
No problem my friend
Do you buy a certain amount of coins with the intention of selling some when a price target is reached?
Yes if I feel high on a coin I buy 2.5x. That way I can sell for profit and investment and still keep s good amount long term
I dont see bts any reason?
Well I I didn’t have a great understanding of it when it was cheap. Then I felt it was to late.
Hi buddy
I've been away for past 3 weeks (short holiday) and finally im back :) Loads of catching up is awaiting me now.
I checked your profile and im glad to see that you're still very active on steemit.
Obviously upvoted.
Cheers buddy,
Wow, you bought long time ago (crypto timeline), like getting EOS @ $0.54 and Neo $2.3. I bought EOS at $1 and quite happy (at $14). I've added to EOS holding, foresee a bright future!
I mean my portfolio is absolutely tiny compared to yours - only eth, icx, pkt lol. Handling that much information would make my head explode