My Workout Diary: Wed 07 Aug 2022 (catch-up post)

Today's thought


I woke up early today as I had to take the car to the garage. I did my leg workout first, even though I knew the plan was to walk back from the garage. After getting some work done, I had a nap for lunch! I returned to the garage to pick up the car in the early evening. My legs got a good workout today!

Today's Workout - Legs Workout

DB Goblet Squat/ DB Kettlebell Swing(Superset)

18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
60 secs rest between sets

DB Step Up/ Walking Lunge(Superset)

18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
60 secs rest between sets

DB Jump Squat / Walking Lunge(Superset) (Superset)

18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
18kg x10 / 18kg x10
60 secs rest between sets

DB Squat Wall

0kg x60 secs
0kg x60 secs
0kg x60 secs
0kg x60 secs
60 secs rest between sets

60 minute walk

60 minute walk



Well-done, although, I hardly workout due to some health issues, I take long walks and burn some calories and I believe that counts. It's good to see you're documenting this.

You are doing great. I remember when you started out with workouts before hive. Keep it up

Hi I just wanted to let you know that my original content is being downvoted on Hive by your friend

It all started because I helped out a friend who is now exposing the truth about Hive

It’s good to see you working out consistently. I want to start a workout routine to build up my legs. I hear squats can be hard on the back and knees. What has worked for you?
