As most of the Appics team are dancers and through the idea of dance they perceive life and their visions, i was inspired to create an artwork having dance as the main theme. I like the vintage b&w images and the contrast they create with colourful backgrounds, so i used a composition of them as the central image. The smartphone also plays a big part and of course the Appics logo.
In case you don't know it yet Appics is the next generation reward-based social media APP that runs on top of a Blockchain. Currently at test mode Appics is looking for testers, so don't miss the chance to be one or earn some tokens through their very generous bounty program. You can find more at or their steemit accountThis is another digital collage i created for my favourite application @Appics.
Some process photos.
And a finished artwork with vintage filter.
Very excellent. Cool how you were able to display yr steps.