There is a huge number of different assets that people can use for free to save value. Now there is the value of a traditional environment or investments, but we believe that today blocking and crypto allocation is the best solution for managing, storing and accounting for these assets. There are many different assumptions and analyzes that are published by outsourcing companies. Based on the average data, we came to the conclusion that global wealth is estimated at about $ 300 trillion, but not as strange as most of these assets belong to banks or similar financial institutions, which in most cases remain without traffic, thereby causing unrest and Problems.
What is CryptoBank?
Cryptobank is a decentralized global payment based on blockchain technology and includes CryptoYuan, CryptoDollar, CryptoEuro, CryptoRuble and other currencies, which have successfully brought together professional traders, companies and individuals who want to use cryptocurrency without the risk of volatility on a single platform. The software is based on Bitcoin cryptocurrency, and the transaction framework uses the latest Blockchain capabilities. Get all the benefits of "digital gold" and more features with CryptoBank.
Blockchain Technology:
CryptoBank is built on Bitcoin’s open source code. This will provide complete security and transparency of every transaction available thanks to blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.
Stability of currencies:
CB-tickers are used to convert traditional currency into digital assets. Thus, their value is linked to various national currencies, such as the US dollar, euro, Chinese yuan, Russian ruble. The corresponding assets are CBD, CBE, CBY, CBR.
Blockchain for Business:
You can provide your own services and goods to customers using non-volatile cryptocurrency, as well as to minimize all temporary costs and operations without involving traditional financial institutions. Cryptocurrency is available for each of your clients. Free market Now you have the opportunity to use CryptoBank as a more sophisticated and convenient alternative to traditional financial institutions storing or withdrawing funds in certain currencies. All assets will be protected while using decentralized technology and block chain. In addition, it will be easier to fix the portfolio of investment cryptocurrencies that have no volatility and retain all the benefits.
Full transparency:
Users can view our reserves at any time. The distribution of funds always occurs under the strict supervision of financiers and auditors, which completely excludes inaccuracies. In addition, anyone can investigate transactions through Block Explorer, to check CryptoBank Block chain, tracking the total amount (CBD, CBE, CBR, CBY) of working capital. 100% Security Thanks to CryptoBank every person has the ability to transfer currency between different exchanges or purses, and also easily and instantly transfer to other users or receive cash using a debit card. This is a completely new strategy for crypto currency or interbank arbitrage, in which only you act as custodian of personal assets. And this, in turn, completely eliminates the risks of freezing the balance sheet and other unpleasant moments.
Crypto bank Fees:
At the moment, many transactions in the CryptoBank network are processed with zero fees. If the transaction has a sizably voluminous number of inputs (that contains a plethora of data), the presence of a minor fee take place. All miners may process transaction and receive the fee. Every block in the network include all transactions information and, in particular, its fees. Thus, the utilize or group of users who has found any block would receive a commission for all the transactions that it contained. The advisement of the fees in the transaction – a voluntary process, but the utilize who found the block, may integrate the transaction at his discretion. In this regard, the priority of transactions with zero commission is low enough, and transactions that have minimum commission (0.01 coins) with a standard priority will most likely include in the block. Crypto bank Fees At the moment, many transactions in the CryptoBank network are processed with zero fees. If the transaction has a sizably voluminous number of inputs (that contains a plethora of data), the presence of a minor fee take place. All miners may process transaction and receive the fee. Every block in the network include all transactions information and, in particular, its fees. Thus, the utilizer or group of users who has found any block would receive a commission for all the transactions that it contained. The additament of the fees in the transaction – a voluntary process, but the utilizer who found the block, may integrate the transaction at his discretion. In this regard, the priority of transactions with zero commission is low enough, and transactions that have minimum commission (0.01 coins) with a standard priority will most likely include in the block.
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