Holy Cow! This is scary fascinating.
I've been staying clear of VooDoo Donuts for a long time. For me, I always got a bad vibe from them after I found out they advertise sexual peepshows, and overtly promote it by humorously shaping donuts in the shape of genitalia. Their donuts taste disgusting, yet they charge twice as much as all the other donut shops, and people line up in droves. People in line all look like they are brainwashed and drugged. Counter culture is not supposed to be mainstream trendy. This place is not what it claims to be. Unfortunately, you can't claim that anything is satanic or demonic in this town, or people will label you a religious, nazi, conspiracy nut. Researching these things lands you in hotter water, because they will label you as part of the violent hate crowd. Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc..
Definitely following this account, and learning whatever clues I can.
I hope somebody cleans shop in Portland someday. People here all claim to love the environment, yet they sprinkle garbage on every street as if they thought it was magic organic fertilizer. Lot of other things we need to clean up: the Mayor, the judges, law enforcement, crime and punishment, school system, sex trafficking, Antifa, taxation, debt, expensive transportation ballots, the governor, everything. All of the old masonic secret clubs are still here sitting quietly as always, but it's like they have splintered into all of the other social organizations in power, except they do not self-identify as masons. Any exclusive club with elected people are hotspots where their weird backwards ethics are enforced more openly.
It is hard to open up to people here, because once they realize you are not in alignment with their indoctrination, they will often become polarized against you.
Sounds a lot like San Francisco. Stay safe.
That sounds a lot like Brazil, too....
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