We have not sent this message to all users. We have deliberately targeted users that we believe have an obligation to self-disclose. If a user has not received a message from us, she need not self-certify anything to us at this time.
— Bitfinex (@bitfinex) May 17, 2018
Article Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitfinex-requires-customer-tax-info-which-it-may-exchange-with-govt-tax-authorities
That's some crazy centralisation and government's greedy taxation policies going on there. We probably might see huge influx into Binance, Bittrex, etc.
This is the reason, we need to move on DEX!
I'm not on DEX, maybe its time to create an account!
Hi. How are you, friend. I'm back
Hi my friend how have you been? I miss you !
I am good, I also miss you. How are you, friend
I am very well thanks my friend
i think a'lot of us can relate.......to that quote
I'm glad to hear that dear
its my pleasure