How to mine bitcoin without mining...

in #cryptocurency7 years ago (edited)

       Hi all.   My idea for the best way to mine bitcoin without mining is staking another coin and trading it for bitcoins.   BitBean for me is good price range.  When you consider that it is still at a low price.  Currently it is around 150-170 Satoshi.  What may make it very interesting and possibly explosive is that it can double at this price without too much effort.  It was once less than 10 Satoshi.   It is now run by a group of people that allows anyone to join to have a say on the direction this coin goes, if you invest in enough Bitbean.  Last I check, I think you need to have 5 million Bitbeans and some other requirements the have on their site   

                   Even at the current rate, it gives a nice pay out per month.  If you buy 1.5 million you receive approximately 60k BitBean per month which can be .10 bitcoin if exchange price stays that range, last I check on BitBean Calculator site and some exchanges.    At current price of  2-3 cents.  That would be $1200/month.  For 1.5 million Bitcoin at the price of, let say 2.5 cents, the cost is around $37500.  I would say $1200/month is pretty decent if the exchange price of the coin stays.  I think and hope it will actually go up before the end of the year.   At that rate, it be around $14000/year, that is a decent investment for amount you paying to get in on it. 

                There is difficulty rate you have to concern yourself of.   This is the rate by which decides how easy it is to mine.  I be honest, this part, I'm not sure.  But, I think if the rate goes higher, it will also may affect staking as well.   

                 I admit I am an investor, of late.  Wish I had bought much earlier when I saw it around double digits, but I was short sighted and doubted. 

                  There is another thought about this coin.  It is very fast.  With blocksize of 20 megabite.  Transactions is literary  a matter of 3-5 seconds.   I like the technology.  I don't if there is any other coin, with this size.  Even Bitcoin Cash 8 megabite blocksize does not match. 

                  Here's my conclusion.  If price stay at 170 satoshi,  you can stake Bitbean with 2.55 btc to buy 1.5 million.  You then receive around .10 btc/month give or take.  At end of year, you maybe will have 1.2 btc.  

** Disclosure   This blog is based on my opinions.  I am not giving professional advice. Anything written here should be taken as an opinion and is the responsibility of the reader to take due diligence as such.  Basically saying I may be wrong, right or neither, just staying its my opinions and my voice.   


excellent write up. very clever way. i am using this site to stake my bitbeans and other pos coins

Ok, the difficulty's will lower how much you get, if it rises. It maybe best to double check the bitbean or bean cash calculator site to see how much you will stake.

I should add, Bitbean re-branded and is now called Bean Cash.