Place the
where most people would expect an E.
Indeed, that is what I have been thinking when and since I wrote:
it was used previously to Ethereum by
∎ I prefer this to the last comment about naming. I hope you guys stop. I already provided my email address above for those who want to continue discussion. Thanks.

Note I do not reply anymore to tangential comments because I am trying to not bury my recent important comments with follow-up minutiae. So I will respond to your recent tangential question:
How do I go about doing this? do any bitcoin wallets even support this? If so which ones? Because non of them mention this capability.
Note I corrected the broken link in the post you were replying to point to an archive which contains the posts of mine which were censored from
I forget all the details of that discussion, but essentially just spend your tokens to “legacy” addresses. Most wallets can do this. The absolute safest would be to mix your spends with newly minted BTC that had no SegWit lineage, although this is probably unnecessary. There were services offering to sell minute fractions of such virgin mined BTC. You would then create a transaction with two inputs one each for the tainted BTC and the virgin mined BTC. I do not know which wallet can facilitate this.
P.S. Internet friends please note that a new health problem has developed which seems to be fibromyalgia. This is the longest duration and most (dull) pain I have been in that is not involving any G.I. nor head pain. I wonder if the recent few weeks of dairy and/or the occasional Bovine Colostrum made this worse? Could sitting in a chair for so many hours a day be a contributing factor?
These new symptoms have been threatening to become chronic since about November. Which is why I had increased exercise. I might have had this sort of leg pain back in 2015 or 2016 as well (when I suspected my symptoms to be Multiple Sclerosis because of they also involved welts on and systemic inflammation involving my skull), but if so were less noticeable than the other G.I. and head symptoms I at that time.
In the episodes (aka flare-ups) since roughly November, the pain would be only on the left leg and buttock and would subside after a few hours. Today’s flare-up involves both legs, buttocks and even the lower back. And it has continued through the night and disrupted my sleep.
Doctors have no cure nor explanation for these sort of autoimmune conditions. All they can do is treat the symptoms with pain killers and anti-inflammatory agents.
This is why I am not hopeful for a modern medical cure to my condition. Yet I should at least rule out clinically detectable conditions such as dysbiosis or physically identifiable issues in the G.I. tract.
If it’s for example the genetic material that remains in the body after the more dangerous multiple Dengue infections (which I have had in addition to a virulent strain of HPV which was a gift from my ex and innumerable other infections), that can apparently cause long-term autoimmunity (c.f. also), then I am simply screwed for life. Or the 24 days of fluoroquinolones antibiotics which I have previously cited (from an E.U. circular) as being correlated with long-term egregious side-effects (probably due to the fluoride). And the best I can do is try to manage the condition with more time outdoors, exercise, and off the computer.
Still in (dull) pain at the moment, but I have taken Resveratrol, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and eaten raw greens and a carrot. I felt slightly better sitting up to write this email as opposed to lying in the bed.
My declining health combined with this egregious threat of physical torture to all publicly known crypto investors, traders and developers, means it is becoming more and more likely that I will disappear from the cryptocosm. This is no joke nor bullshit. My health condition is much worse than readers realize. It’s impossible to work effectively and intensely as a software developer with this chronic health condition. Short-term memory isn’t performing well enough most of the time (such work requires keeping a lot of details in short-term memory). Continuity of thoughts and engineering is lost by every flare-up. I am often not quite sure if I am conscious or in a dream. I fight to remain aware of being conscious, but my willpower is being pummeled by the years of grinding through it. I am disabled now.
Perhaps those who I was working with (or others reading my public posts?) will carry forward the plans and ideas in some capacity. Keep an eye out for a project which might resemble the one we discussed.
EDIT 4 hours later: I have diarrhea now, so this fibromyalgia-like flare-up appears to be G.I. related.
I edited my first Steemit blog:
UPDATE March 1, 2019: I have publicly announced my withdrawal from the cryptocosm. My related coincidental numerology is 3/1/2019 and note my eye was destroyed on 12/1/1999.
I continue to augment my comment post about the absurdity of the junk science and political propaganda for man-made global warming aka climate change:
Here’s a collection of links for you to review:
Toilet Paper Causes Climate Change
Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production
Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998
Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power
Having Children causes Global Warming as the leading cause of 58.6%
I augmented my blog Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon:
Socialism End Game
Doug Casey: "We Are On The Cusp Of A Civil War"
Jonathan Roth - Civil War Coming to America?
The Illinois Pension Crisis – Giving The Pensioners All State Assets
The Public Pension Crisis is Our Undoing
The Decline in Quality is Part of the Cycle
Identity politics is destroying the West:
Fashions Turning to Civil Unrest for Inspiration
Cohen & His Allegations Against Trump
World Economy to Decline Until 2036
Another projection from Armstrong:
[…] The West is collapsing. World GDP has been in a bear market since the late 1970s. The economy is moving into a recession as we spiral toward 2020. We will then enter STAGFLATION — rising prices with declining economic growth — between 2020 into 2024 with another hard decline thereafter into 2028. […]
Those who doubt the predictive power of Armstrong’s cyclical models and historical data modeling, may want to read this.
The reason for the coming stagflation is because the 4 decades sovereign (e.g. US Treasuries) bond bubble is coming to an abrupt end.
When the next recession comes there is going to be a lot of turmoil
Jeffrey Gundlach on the market, millennials, cannabis, taxes, and the 2020 election
As interest rates rise back to normalized levels of 7% (from the current 2% after a slight pause into 2020), not only will fewer people be able to afford to buy a home (and thus real estate and housing prices will crash again), also the servicing of the global (and especially Western) debt is going to consume an ever greater portion of incomes (including tax income for governments):
And because governments will raise taxes. Bill Gates explained […] So in short, the West is shooting itself in the feet as the Titanic is on flames and sinking. This Western process of self-immolation (aka “societalcide”) will accelerate over this coming decade as Western socialism is destroyed by destroying itself and its society.
But this is creative destruction because it ushers in the vital decentralization technologies which will reshape the global economy and provide massive employment by unlocking the value of maximum division-of-labor and disintermediating behemoths. Conceptualize it simply— if we all tied our shoelaces together, we’d be much less valuable while in that tied up state.
Bond guru Jeffrey Gundlach’s video linked above says 7 times more federal government spending goes to old people than to the youth in the USA. Armstrong wrote:
At the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, working 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, yields an annual income of only $15,080. This is below the annual poverty line. It also reflects something that most people are unaware of —
in Illinois, there are more than 19,000 retired teachers who get OVER $100,000 per year in their pension
. According to the latest data, nearly 1.5 in ten federal employees are eligible to retire RIGHT NOW, andin five years the number will hit […] 30%
.Gov. Christie rebukes a teacher at Kenilworth Town Hall
The farce of a false dichotomy of Blue vs. Red irks me. Clinton is the President who signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall, which allowed the commercial banks to go into investment banking enabling the malfeasance that fostered the 2008 subprime mess. And signed the law to make student loans nondischargeable in bankruptcy. The student loan debacle is going to destroy our youth and collapse our real estate market (in addition to the loss of demand as interest rates rise)! The government’s involvement in healthcare and education is corrupt and will always be (because wolves in sheepskin are naturally attracted to hen houses)!
The government is for sale to the highest bidder by both parties.