
By the way, have you settled on Cred/

I was thinking how Latin words always have a bit of inherent gravitas, and the words are almost always recognizable at some level as roots in most Western languages.

What's more, many of the .com websites for many relevant Latin words are barely/ rarely used. Registered, but not used.

I went through a bunch of Latin words and found a handful of relevant options that are registered but not in use. I can PM the list to you if you'd like.

The token name CRED still appeals to me, but I’m still willing to switch if we think of a better name. A more serious (less cartoonist) name might appeal to me. I’m seriously considering using knol as the token name. As for the app names, I still very much like Stor (or Trove), Knol (or Grok), and Jot. My change in strategy is I prefer to combine the games into the storage and music name: Stor or Trove. And combine decentralized Q&A and Wikipedia clone into one app name: Knol or Grok. For messaging, short-form blogging (e.g. Twitter), and chat discussion, the name Jot is okay but doesn’t emphasize the debate and knowledge orientation of Reddit. We could combine the debate and knowledge oriented discussion and long-form blogging into Knol. Other ideas welcome. Go ahead and share the list of ideas here or via PM ([email protected], LinkedIn, or username ECASH on

Our project is focused on actual mainstream adoption.

Vitalik is probably correct, the pure speculative hype phase of onboarding greater fools for useless, utility ERC-20 altcoins probably peaked and now we need to see some actual adoption to drive more mainstream investment and interest:

Instead, the co-founder of the second most valuable cryptocurrency said that the next growth phase will be getting people who are already interested in cryptocurrencies to be involved in a more in-depth way: "Go from just people being interested to real applications of real economic activity", a point he has made regularly in the past even as he frequently slammed the stratospheric growth observed in cryptocurrencies in 2017, if not so much 2018.

A credo (Latin for "I believe")
A creed (also known as a confession, symbol, or statement of faith) is a statement of the shared beliefs of a religious community in the form of a fixed formula summarizing core tenets.

I wasn't aware of Google's KNOL (they seem to have shot themselves in the foot with that one), so imagine that is the case with most other people too, so unlikely to come with negative baggage if used. Yeah I quite like it. Though perhaps the "KN" for N-sound might confuse non-English speakers? However, I like the "look" of the word KNOL though.

All the prior reasons I provided on this blog and in the comments for preferring cred are still valid, except my thoughts about women not preferring the rebellious name mosh. Women like rebellion (drama and disruption) because they want to be invaded, so they have the widest availability of genetic input for their limited offspring (sperm is not dear, men can impregnate an unlimited number of women). Women also like cute, lovable things that associate with babies.

Also I’m thinking our name needs to embody the paradigmatic shift rather than just speak to some mundane logic (e.g. credit) of what money was in the agricultural and industrial eras which humanity is necessarily now departing.

What is more expressive of the paradigmatic shift we contemplating: credibility or knowledge?

Thus, my current preference for the token name in order of declining preference are:

  1. knol
  2. mosh
  3. cred

The name mosh (as abstractly branded so it becomes recognizable) probably appeals more to females than knol.

I asked my gf if she was going to choose between a party that had mosh or knol, which would she choose? She said mosh and started wiggling her body and smiling.


I'd trade in my Dosh for Mosh...

Close enough to a term already used for money, yet not obviously just a cheesy rehash of a monetary term.

You could say life's a party... Why not Mosh?

First of all, I think all three are strong considerations for a token name, but my vote would still be for CRED. Btw, I'm not sure what you meant meant further up when you previously mentioned it as "cartoonist".

For me, MOSH seems to naturally lend itself to music / video streaming (which seemed to gain favour some months ago) with its playful, kinetic and disruptive presence, and KNOL for the encyclopaedia / Q&A app (it also struck me that KNOL can also be interpreted as "knoll", a small hill or mound, suggesting being able to see above your surroundings to improve knowledge). However, neither lend themselves to being pluralised without sounding awkward, unlike CRED.

I can see your reasoning over wanting something that is "...more expressive of the paradigmatic shift..." but am not sure how many future users might be swayed by that consideration. "Uber" doesn't have any apparent connection with a paradigmatic shift in the manner of hailing taxis, but it's a cool word (and font) that people quickly took to.

My wife thought KNOL and MOSH both sounded more masculine, but CRED as neutral.
