I think people on HIVE would be afraid to upvote Andrew Tate's content if he was here. Most of you know that Andrew Tate got kicked off of all social media. Kind of like the sitting president of the United States got kicked off back in 2020. A growing list of people deplatformed. Every time it happens a lot of people will say we need a decentralized social media option and in a lot of ways it is sort of already here but then it isn't.
Overtime we have had some big players get on the platform like when Furious Pete was on DTube. Also the Hodge Twins. Those guys never really interacted with the community and it was like this little secret they were keeping from their YouTube audiences. It was strange. Then the ones that were born on STEEM / HIVE ended up leaving once they gained traction on YouTube and other platforms. @heiditravels is sort of one example of that but she started getting downvoted eventually. @tangerinetravels is another example and that one didn't make any sense because they were actually making some coin and had decent support and eventually they just peaced out and even when they would make videos on YouTube talking about how they make money and they wouldn't even mention STEEM (Community fractured to Hive later on.) I even called them out about this. (Radio Silence)
There are very few creators who have always stuck on these chains regardless of how much success in crypto they have had just from trading or as content creators. I just thought up a dozen suddenly. @papa-pepper @ace108 @crypt0 @broncnutz @daveks @blocktrades ...... ok that six so far.
Back To Tate
I think the community of HIVE semi hides. What I mean by that is as a collective we like to not be too popular.
Many are scared to show their faces for good reason. When I went to Australia in 2018 they were scanning my face and comparing that biometrically to my passport. When I went to a bar they scanned my passport. That was crazy. During the pandemic they were close lining people for being outside hanging out. WTF???!!!???
The people of Australia are way to chill to be putting up with that bullshit. Can you imagine people getting slammed to the concrete for a supposed virus that has a 99.999216% survival rate? And then pumping out a supposed cure that actually didn't work and even fucked up people in their teens, 20's and 30's? 😟 SCAMMMMMMMMMMMM
Where can guys like me and Tate survive? Every time I post anything about getting women I earn about 0.000249 HIVE. If Tate ripped a never married 43 year old bloated to the core feminist social justice warrior who was freezing her eggs he would earn 0.00000039 HIVE and then NEVER RETURN!!!!!
Actually the macro chart for HIVE and Solana look decent. I feel that with the success of Splinterlands and the other additional things going on with HIVE like 20% APR on HBD which you pretty much have to go through HIVE to get to it for most people helps the price. It is flatlining which could be a good accumulation zone potentially. Time will tell. Let's be honest, I stay here because I like to be an Alabama Tick type character. I don't give up even when it make logical sense to do so.
I understand HIVE for the most part. Most don't and that is one of the issues. I said in the past I don't care if STEEM / Hive don't become huge as long as I can catch the gainz. Big fish in a small pond scenario. This issue is I have never got the support where I felt like I could drop bags into these platforms.
I prayed to Satoshi and Hal Finney who I personally feel are the same person and all roads lead to the DOGE not HIVE. 2019 ..... Buys.
1.5 Million DOGE on that one purchase at $0.0024 and dudes were dropping hate. Ridiculous.....that didn't age well. I could always funnel some of that to HIVE but I have always felt like that kid who is picked last for dodgeball at recess here.
I think the chart looks good, I think it has some of the fundamentals I like but when the DOA started and you didn't support the STEEM Galaxy Proposal like I was some slimy fuck. https://www.steemgalaxy.com/ The domain is still up all this time later. And.......What happened? Gaming Blew up like..... went stupid parabolic. You know what Steem Galaxy would have done?
It is like you want mofos to just put in like $223,031 worth of effort before you accept them into the club. I get it.....It's crypto.... Scammers are a dime a dozen.
## Bold Am I a scammer after all that confirmation and dedication?
I Don't Want To Submit A Proposal And Neither Does Anything Else
We have been there and it feels like a good old boys club instead of letting us run but whatever. It's pay to play over here. We just have to accept the dynamic. It's like the dynamic between Track & Field and Baseball. Track & Field is all about result and with baseball the keyword is Club.
So would Tate Survive Here?
Probably not. He would have to drop $300,026 during a bear market to get anyone's attention and blog 7 times / day. just to get in a pissing matching with bigger whales that would start a downvote war to overpower him to flex their dominance.
It's just the way this platforms incentive structures are.
I love HIVE, STEEM, Blurt, DTube and I'm here even if you downvote the fuck out of me. I will exhaust you. I have been here since July of 2016 and have been in crypto since 2013. STEEM actually brought me back to crypto in 2016 after I got sued for a million dollars for another business.
What happened with that lawsuit? I filed an anti trust lawsuit against them in another state than they were doing primary business in and filed an ass load of complaints against them and suddenly the class action lawyers came and sued them for $100 Million and then the government blasted them with and additional lawsuit
Here are the two thug songs that I listen to while I blog.
That's enough for you blockchain thugs to turn up! Everyone wants to be a thug at some point and everyone has to pick your vices. What are you addicted to? Music, drugs, pussy, money, pussy, pussy? Be honest!!!! I have determined we do everything for women...... like everything in this world is done for women. For real.
I beg to blockchain savages to support the Brian Phobos character......he has been ready for the real launch to Alpha Centari and you know it!
i'll never leave, i love it here. good to see ya cuz.
Appreciate you my guy! I remember you went deep on Golos and that was so hard because we saw potential with this tech. My deepest investment through last bear market was EOS. Ultimately the EOSIO software has done somewhat decent with WAX because Alien Worlds is a top metaverse.
We need to link up and there are a dozen other guys like us that are non-scammmers that see value in the tech that either need to really get behind an existing product extremely hard or launch our own project!
What do you say bro?
I think without our "fun police" hive would be a much better place :D
I know nothing whatsoever about Tate. Here, he may well get downvoted depending on his content, but the content will still be on the chain regardless. That's something, at least. And the downvotes are no guarantee.
He probably wouldn't get downvoted but if he cranked too much volume here it could be an issue. It will be interesting where he goes now to keep his influence visible.
Yeah, there's a fine line between quantity of content and basic spam. This isn't Twitter.
Hive is ruined by the downvote cartels. Nothing of any controversial importance will ever get seen here. Any halfway intelligent controversial creator will quickly realize this and move on to a better platform.
It would be trivial for any intelligence agency, with a very small budget to completely dominate the views and rewards here. I wonder if the current situation is just pure ignorance or a deliberate scheme.
Such an agency would simply mask themselves by providing some service like "curation for the little guy" or even leading development. In this way they accumulate ignorant delegation and multiple witness spots. In addition they recruit endless "creators" like photographers in Vietnam and Thailand, artists, travelers, whatever, doesn't matter. of which there are 100's if not 1000's of accounts and they will always make great rewards. Nobody notices this of course, and couldn't do anything about it even if they did. In exchange these account add to the pile of delegations and vote proxies to maintain these witness positions. A nice trade off for both parties. It would not be about making money here, it would be about controlling what is popular.
Anyone posting real journalism about anything important is squashed immediately and these people leave the platform.
Personally i don't use hive at all. the trending pages are all garbage non-sense waste of time. i can get much better garbage on facebook and reddit. That is the way it will be until things change regarding downvotes and witness governance voting.
It's hard for there to be many changes here. Oftentimes repeated content mills do the best here. Somewhat of the same thing applies to YouTube as well in some respects.
The list of peeps that came and went is quite a bit larger. Must say, I don't remember exactly most of the users' names. As you said, those who came with success in the Web2 domain, used HIVE (and its predecessor) more to drop their content, rather than to try and become part of the community. Obviously, they went away again, since likely they tried HIVE to earn easy money without spending effort and time on it. And yes, everybody has to work hard to get noticed on our platform. Why would someone with success outside HIVE be noticed easier and get higher rewards quickly? Sure, I can think of a few reasons, marketing for HIVE being one of them. However, I don't think HIVE is ready to handle a much larger active crowd. In my daily curation rounds, I see too many taking it easy when the auto voters found the user. That dynamic isn't helping to grow HIVE. Though HIVE is already better now than a few years ago, we are still not there yet. Hopefully, we'll see improvements over time.
The list is pretty extensive for sure. Obviously there are a lot of people who drop off YouTube as well but with HIVE there is a decent sized learning curve to know what is exactly going on here. There have been a lot of positive things but it is tough to really get it to a level where it can flourish. Personally I have always felt the front ends should have ads which get rejected back into earnings.
Ads are a nice revenue generator. Though it is also a bit disturbing. I do like the absence of ads. Leo started to include some ads which I don't like too much. But that said, I can get used to them :)
It definitely is not easy to go around HIVE and understand how it works. I do feel most to all UIs don't consider too much the newbie. They shall all provide guidance to support the newbies. To introduce the newbies to all the tools that are required to start understanding HIVE and to be able to deal with HIVE. I believe a big missed opportunity.
What Steemit did before the HIVE fork was put ads on stuff when people weren't logged in so if someone tripped across it organically through searching on Google it would show ads but people who were logged in wouldn't see it. This was generating revenue but Steemit Inc was keeping that to pay expenses and it wasn't being used to pump back into the community. I think the gaming stuff is really good and if there were multiple reasons for people to be soaking up HIVE that would be a big deal. Overall I like the ecosystem but I feel like it is a matter of time before someone builds a similar platform on a chain that is EVM compatible that has 0.5 Second Block Times like the EOSIO software or 0.4 Second Block Times like Solana and suddenly there is more existing code for the DeFi application and other stuff going on.
I like the ecosystem but at times it seems to just be feeding a very small number of people. We can say they have risked the most or are doing the most but unlike Proof Of Work mining where you can deploy tons of new hardware and engage in this system it is more of a club that you have to be accepted into. Someone could say a person could drop bag here and level up but there is still a good chance a person won't be accepted into the club.
one needs to know its ways, and get a bit lucky as well along the way.
curators from curator teams are not necessarily following fair and strict guidelines as they should. some other curator teams are good, some are less good.
some others with large stakes are not helping to evolve HIVE, reward distribution etc. some others do.
I feel something needs to change again from the tech side of things, or the governance side of things, before a more positive culture will start again. we go in waves over the years. we change something to post/curation rewards, we see the positive flow and after some time it seems the majority is falling asleep again.
HIVE is not only blogging/social service but also a general purpose chain. the latter lacks smart contract support to get picked up. integration support to dApp owners is too little, and too difficult to identify who to contact, where to search and all. I think this is the downside of not having a team. I was hoping we could've created workgroups per topic, with some election system and supported by the community. tool we need for this and all. but somehow nobody is picking this up. HIVE lacks vision, strategy, tactics and execution of those tactics. thats the bottom line I think. somehow the token is still quite high up in the rankings, not sure how, but that is at least still the advantage and keeps peeps blogging.
I feel like once people know this system there are enough people still willing to try to earn yield off this system and then there are those playing Splinterlands and that has become popular enough to people coming over here if they are looking for games to play.
It's tough. There were advantages and disadvantages of the premise of Steemit Inc working on stuff vs the way things are now. It's a pretty impressive system but I am actually surprised another group didn't come in and develop this same premise except with the full ecosystem and smart contract capability natively. Like built this on Solana, Polygon, or the EOSIO software with EVM support.
That being said there is over 6+ years of development that exists here so it would be a ton of work to try to catch up to what is here.
Owww maybe when someone decides to bring a social network to some other chain, that could be KOINOS.
If the KOINOS eco-system, community and team play their cards right, it has the potential to play ball with the big guys/chains of today.
Smart contracts, free tx on base layer (the RC system of HIVE but different implementation that doesn't require to lock a lot of tokens, but just enough tokens for a transaction). No proposal systems. Generated base chain tokens only for those who run the network. A different implementation of PoW/PoS/DPos, a combo taking the best of all these by Proof-of-Burn. The community already created one of the dev languages (typescript) and included by the team in the final product/chain, a wallet, a DEX with a similar/same look/feel as to what we all know from the DEX services around the top chains.
I do believe in HIVE still. Though I believe either it may get its next boost by more popular Splinterlands, and/or by what 3Speak is trying to do, andf/or by something new that nobody knows about right now. KOINOS will get a boost because it is much more similar to a general-purpose chain to HIVE (HIVE currently is a social networking chain, with the token distribution to content, something I believe HIVE shall get ride of. Content rewards shall be 2nd layer). I wish both will become a major success 🙃
I'd vote for him. I mean, if his content was decent, not just because of who he is.
I use BLURT personally!
Not to disclose details,
but hive is absolutely a great place for Tata.
according to him, we're on Phase 2
I'm over on Blurt as well. Getting used the system that is currently in place there
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