A Brutal Week for Bitcoin

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago

bitcoin drop.png

• Hi everyone! this blog will be a little bit different from the last ones, and it´s because I was getting really surprised about the drop of the Bitcoin prices this last week, that I needed to talk about it.

• Despite the fact that the price of this cryptocurrency rose a little bit, we can´t let go the fact that the price of bitcoin fell a 15% last week

• It went from US$7.360,00 to US$6.188,00 in four days. Unbelievable if we keep in mind that this cryptocurrency overtook its peak in December of 2017, with a price of US$20.000.

• We should be careful for anything that may happen in the crypto market in the next few days

• Alright everyone, I hope this little post has been informative for you, and see you soon

Have a nice day.