your point is valid however what do you suggest? no constructive suggestion from you except purporting what I think!!! send in your constructive suggestions on way forward especially with the USD that is fraught with debt
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I don't have to suggest anything, in fact all people who are suggesting are just what I would be keyboard warriors. Just look at all the articles on Steemit, anarchy, libertarian, videos, interviews, and all amount to nothing, just hot wind. Nobody is putting anything on the line to destroy the system, at the most there are those who try to get away from it by homesteading or something like that. It is not my fight, I just watch.
Your case is the worst one and those people you mentioned about posting or making videos are at least suggestig and taking action through their posts or videos (FYI people watch and listen to them and yes some of their arguments might not be the best but at least they try )!!! their action lead to confidence in the market and people buying back cryptos. Sitting on the fence and not saying anything is what they want from you. Keep watching while your house burn and say nothing!!!! No one is preaching attack to the system or violence against banks , however we can write about it including being free to write or make videos about our opinion without sitting and watching while your Government compromise everything around you.
Which makes you a keyboard warrior= nothing, just words, these have never done much, only action has any effect or else it's all just hot air.
Good point ...however we are already taking action by writing , vlogging and debating about it and not sitting on the fence and praying for a miracle which will never come if you do not at least do something