Rule 506 of Regulation D Is stopping USA Citizens from purchasing ICO’s!
This has nothing to do with Crypto!
Just another way to keep the average person in their place! BROKE!!!
I have a serious question???
Who regulates the regulators???
Why do we let these global criminals control us???
The days of Crypto will be gone unless we stand up!
They do NOT want to lose control of the banking cartel MASS enslaved population!
Crypto is about regaining control of your financial freedom!
Why do people keep cashing out Crypto into fiat???
Fiat is only backed by government global force! NOT gold or anything of value!
What separates bitcoin from fiat???
The limited supply and the mining process (just like gold)!!!
The US dollar is worth 3 cents! The only reason it has the presumed value is government force!
They claim the dollar is the reserve currency! NOT anymore!
One dollar by their standards is worth one dollar! Remember they can print as many as they wish🤔
One Bitcoin is worth over $8000! Why would I trade that for the dollar? Let’s really think for a minute!
You sell your Bitcoin for 8000 pieces of paper that have been printed by the federal reserve (a private company) acting on behalf of the United States corporation (sorry I meant government)!
Your fiat is backed by zero! It’s a piece of paper! NOW I will admit that fiat in paper form is superior to Bitcoin in one aspect.
If you are freezing to death you could use it to start a fire 🔥 🔥
I wonder would you not be better to purchase a newspaper to start that same fire 🔥 and invest the rest in Crypto???????????????
I have included a screenshot and link below to the Rule 506 of Regulation D website. I am sure all rights are reserved for them!
When was the last time you carried cash? Brother, can you spare a thin dime?
Oh, it's all the fashion.
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thank you for sharing this.
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I will check out your work as well. Have a great weekend
hmmmm after reading your link im having a hard time believing you read the regulation yourself. what makes you think the sec is stopping citizens for purchasing into icos? what i read from your link is a list of exemptions for companies to allow only filing of form d