Sean, I don't know what Andy Hoffmans deal is in this interview and I will agree that he has made a complete 180 from how he use to be. I wanted to thank you for posting the video below about the CRYPTO Timeline. The video blew my mind and I can honestly see that scenario coming to fruition. The cycles about the sun were fascinating. I would bet one shiny litecoin that martin armstrong has cyclical data based on weather events. Also another thing I thought was crazy was how some of the information I have seen in the webbot over the years does match with this video.
The jury is out on this whole situation concerning ACChain, China business. If the United States was so far behind the curve on the crypto kingdom and these other countries implemented this under our noses, I would think that this would spark a major war.
Any updates on PEDOGATE? I haven't heard too much about it recently.