[Part I] - Integrating a Token Economy into my App using the Simple Token Platform - OST ALPHA III

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

Fellow Steemians!

This is the first part of our weekly blog, showcasing our progress at integrating our own branded Token named "Social Coin" into our Web-App using the Simple Token Platform. This is part of the  OST KIT Alpha Phase III

What is Simple Token(www.ost.com)?:

" At OST, we are building essential blockchain infrastructure and developer toolkits to enable any business — no matter their size or level of technical sophistication — to benefit from having their own Branded Token economy without the hassle, costs, and risks of an ICO. Tokenization will help businesses increase customer engagement, growth, and monetization, allowing them to invest more in their community ecosystem and reduce reliance on third-party acquisition and re-engagement from the likes of Facebook and Google. "

We already participated in the Developer Alpha Phase II where we successfully integrated our own Token und achieved Transactions between various Users of the App.

 See the final Video of our Proof of Concept here:

What's next?:

After receiving our reward of 50 000 OST, we are eager to participate in Phase III and keep on building more features into our app. So far Advertisers can buy advertising credit in form of our branded Token Social Coin (SoCo). These Tokens are used to create Advertising Campains. Our endusers can then watch the Ads and earn  Social Coin. These Social Coins can be spend within the App by donating the Coins to our partner charities.

In the upcoming Phase III, OST provides us with a new features:  

OST KIT Alpha III: Embedded Wallet-Lite.
OST KIT Alpha Phase III adds the first end-user wallet features to OST. With the recent launch of the
OST Ledger and Balance APIs, Alpha III will be all about creating, interacting with, and supporting embedded wallet features that show users’ token balances and transaction histories. 

Now our Users will be able to see their tokens in the App and verify their existence on the Blockchain. Further more we can implement transaction histories, which highly incvreases the user experience.

Yesterday Tom and I had our first meeting, discussing the upcoming work and collecting a few ideas on how to implement the new features!  What better way to start a new adventure than german beer and nice food at a small brewerie, specializing in organic beer, from Indian pale ale, to scottish brew and strong ale.

We are looking forward to work on this and will keep you updated next week with our first progress report!

Thanks for reading! Cheers,
