I began to be interested in cryptocurrencies in 2017. I first heard about Bitcoin as I was stuck in a traffic jam near Geneva, Switzerland. Radio Television Switzerland was interviewing a geek who was active in mining Bitcoin. I had absolutely no IT education, especially in hashing, etc...
I remember I was quite interested. Back home, then, I did a couple of researches on Google. I started mining, not Bitcoin -as I understood it was unprofitable- but Monero.
I have to say I'm not a geek nor a programmer, though, even if I can manage in basic scripts (php, python...). I can't afford to invest a lot in cryptos, neither. So what do I do?
As I said, I started with mining, then I interested myself in altcoins (about 15 of them, including:
bitcoin cash
bat (Basic Attention Token)
Additionally, the following are not coins, but are worth your attention:
pre-search: https://www.presearch.org/signup?rid=1623703
dental coin: https://dentacoin.com/
xyo. I discovered it last month...
I'm also earning some cash with:
read cash
hive (very recently; this is the first week, actually)
minds. Recent discovery as well. Looks promising, though...
Sorry if I miss the boundary between tokens, coins and others...
Check the projects you don't know. You are very welcome to let me know which cryptos are of interest for you (or are not). Even if we don't agree, it's a exchange, anyway. I will read each of your contributions.
Also, please bear with me as it is my first post on cryptos here.
These are referral links, except for Hive. Thanks for visiting and subscribing !
Publish0x: https://www.publish0x.com?a=l9avpG8dG1
Uptrennd: https://www.uptrennd.com/signup/NzEwNjQ
Library: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@lvoiry:6
Hive: www.hive.com