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RE: Name YOUR decentralized social network?

I am pilchard on bitcoin talk yes, I also picked up on the reload aspect covering the reloading of weapons as well as referring to reloading saved games, I must admit it didn't strike me as a negative aspect as in having to reload often, but I suppose you are right... Perhaps I did not see the negative side, as I see mistakes to be an opportunity to learn and try again.

And talking of Reboot put me in mind of that computer animated series where characters inside the computer had to unwillingly assume the role of opposition to the user playing games....

But yes, Immortal grew on me more and more, it is a well thought out name that ties in well to the aspects of gaming you mention.


The less technobabble and the more associated with personal exaltation+emotions will appeal more to the females. Reboot I think is more male focused.

I agree. With the current gynocentric state of society this may well be quite important for enabling swift adoption by the masses.

Even Autocorrect is gynocentric it seems haha! As it is telling me that "gynocentric" is spelt wrong even though it is 100% accurate to the dictionary spelling.

Try it yourself.

You’d think someone could produce a better open source dictionary than the crappy ones in browsers. I constantly have to add words to the browser dictionary.

Off topic, but just forged this little piece together from pre-existing but often scattered Ideas.. Knowledge really is the new form of value. We are entering the knowledge age.

feelings and emotions are in YOU, not the thing that has sparked those emotions. You will benefit greatly from understanding this, and yes acknowledging they are a part of you, spicy emotions have a purpose and you will do well to use them where appropriate as a mental tool... For an example check out a fantastical, but metaphorically relevant scene in pyschonaughts (The tiffany Lamp)

You may well need the strength these emotions can lend to you (if carefully shaped and controlled) to achieve your goals, make yourself the best version of yourself you can be, and protect the interests of yourself and the people you care about.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing my entire life is channeling my crazy adrenaline into competitive work mode. But since I’ve been ill, my energy level was all messed up so it didn’t work the same.