LOOKREV ICO for Creativity

in #cryptocurrencies8 years ago

LookRev is a peer-to-peer decentralized marketplace. Using block chain and smart contract as the facility, it aids regular people to create and join distribution chains for their custom products, and acquire money.
Every human has his/her own attribute and can contribute to this world in a distinct way.
Human endowments are distinct. And it takes genetically united humans to create everything that is known, bringing forth people who have the various distinct gift. It takes scores for everyone to locate their gift. The human endowment is more precious than precious stones, money and every concrete material on earth.
The aim of LookRev is to construct a skeletal structure and community of interest, to unveil talents, disclose knowledge, infuse them into real, marketable commodities, assist them to locate product match and clients.

Merit of LookRev Solution:
Using digital asset to finance the increase of human asset has numerous merit.
The account of the movement of the preselling token is not susceptible to change, and is enclosed in the smart contract. A customer preorder the product, fund a product maker before his/her product become mature sellable goods. As part of the deal, the customer gets to buy the mature products at a discounted price.
A constructive product manufacturer can receive pre orders with cryptocurrency, and get the materials that he/she needs to manufacture the prospective products. This aid the product manufacturer to acquire the materials to assist the manufacturing and advancement of his/her products. In essence, this gives advance liquidity for his/her impalpable asset before his/her products ripe. Because the prepayment with digital currency is recorded on the blockchain, the records are changeless and panoptic to the people involved, and the transaction is safe.
A constructive product maker can repay the pre order tokens he/she acquired by selling the accomplished products to the customer. He/she can repay the pre order tokens with the tokens he/she acquired on LookRev platform, added with fees according to the terms of the agreement in the smart contract.

Product Distribution Chain:
Each participant has a node in LookRev system, it can be a person or an organization. The person and/or organization at each node can have multiple functions to perform, including product manufacturer, ‘distributor, retailer, designer, marketer, sale representative, customer and etc. The transactions are conducted and recorded on the ledgers on LookRev blockchain.’

About LookRev Token:
LookRev token is an ERC20 compliant smart token. It can be acquired or sold (turn into fiat currency)
Whenever necessary, straight via the smart contract, with or without using an exchange.
LookRev token has multiple utilities, and can be used in several ways.

. Utility token for acquiring custom products on LookRev platform.
. Utility token for receiving and exchanging services.
. Preorder token. Preorder tokens are used prior to acquiring custom products before they are completed by the manufacturer.
. Utility token that exchanges one type of usage to another one.
. Involvement token to get uninterrupted proportional settlement benefit from the LookRev
community pool.

LookRev Initial Coin Offering:
LookRev token (LOK) is involved in every activity in the ecosystem. LOK can be acquired through LookRev’s mobile native apps, web DApps, from another party via exchange of services, selling custom products, getting community rewards and etc. Users have the ability to acquire LOK by sending Ether (“ETH”) to the LOK token sale contract on the blockchain token exchange centers.

Pie Chart on Token Allocation and Use of Proceeds:

LOK sale will be unaltered for four weeks from 08/30/2017 to 09/30/2017 in other to give investors the opportunity to acquire the asset. Minimum of 10 million LOK during this token sale will be sold. The number of LOK tokens issued per Ether is 2,400 LOK tokens per ETH (Ether).
In case you want to acquire the token before the token sale, the minimum pre-commitment amount is benchmarked at 50 Ether and above. You are assured that the amount of LOK tokens you bought at pre-commitment period will be issued to you at the token sale.


https://lookrev.com/?ref=Harmony_Engr https://lookrev.com/whitepaper/?ref=Harmony_Engr


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