My first thoughts; I like GEMS for the token name to REALMS… With regard to INERTIA, I immediately associated it with it’s meaning of doing nothing, stagnancy etc (actually didn’t know it had that alternative meaning)… AURA I associated with hippie types (“I can see your aura”)
EDIT: For the record, my knowledge of physics and science in general (& tech) is very poor so I see my feedback as representing those like me (so to be taken accordingly). In any case, I now know a lot more about inertia - interesting cheers - and I like as a result. It’s not an attention grabber for me, but in its explained context it’s a good name for a serious project, and I like the phonetics which means it’ll be sure to grow on me… I like E for the token for Inertial net. I didn’t comment on MASS or QUANTA initially because I didn’t have a strong instinctual response. I still don’t to be honest - without disliking either… I’m interested to understand why you’d have two denominations of coin?