
After looking into Veritaseum, I must say I am impressed.
The crypto world is going to change the world.
WE are in an amazing time right now.
Going to get the process started right now. Need me some Veri :)

I first heard about Veri from your youtube video.
Id rather lose some money, then regret not getting involved and missing out as an early adopter into something as advanced as Veritaseum
Stay blessed! Thanks for the tip off @jsnip4

awesome Joe

Let me get this straight. They are on sale right now? So the company is selling them at a "discount" but they aren't traded on an exchange yet. I'll wait until they are selling on an exchange first before I think about buying some.

Love the videos Joe.

Or you can consider it a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor. Just don't put a lot of money into it. If it goes nowhere, you're not out much. But if it is successful, then you might have a big winner.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hey that's not a bad strategy.

Hey Joe, It Luis... looks like I missed the buy of Veri. I finally got approved over at coinbase and boight some Eth but it will take 7 days to arrive into my wallet(Not happy withe delivery time). Im still waiting approval from Kraken (5days and counting). Either way being late we wouldnt get the discount. So Im hoping to get some Veri at the first of the public opening

How do you go about buying this Veritaseum? Is their a website to buy it at? Thanks!

Check this for creating wallet..

Tonight I will create another article for buying Veritaseum

I tried to set up the ether wallet and got no where fast. Perhaps I'm missing something. I would like to hear your experience

I followed their tutorial and it worked just like it said. I now have some VERI tokens in my paper wallet. so i hope it does well :)

I keep on being sent to a 404 page when I try to do the download

How do you buy these Veri tokens? where is the tutorial?

Followed you here from YouTube , follow me too. We can all go on the crypto journey together😁

hello jsnip. is that an electric car/ i've been listening to you for a while now and sometimes i think you are listening to too much linsey williams. lol bix weir told us about veritaseum a couple weeks ago, i remember because he couldn't pronounce it. he says like you say it's a good bet being in the ethereum bloodline and now i hear cliff's web report got it in there too. i think you are on to something. so yeah man, please do figure out the veritaseum wallet thing and let us know the scoop. thanks a lot. peace.
here's a song for you.

Thanks for the update, @jsnip4!

Once you buy these cryptocurrencies is it easy to transfer them back to us dollars?

Hey @jsnip4, I sent the request for VERI - thanks for the reminder. Online says "Please allow 24 to 72 hours for the turnaround" so now the wait begins ;)

You can get them instantly. jsnip put up a tutorial. I just did it this morning because I already had some ETH at myetherwallet . Already have my VERI. His tutorial is on youtube and he should put it on steem.

Thanks Jsnip4 . Here is the article on how to create wallet. Soon I will create the article how to buy Veritasum and update all

Here are the steps to create Veritasum .please refer

Thanks for the post. I bought some VERI with you and web bot's recommendation. Hopefully our investment will pay off.

Love the video, If BEGINNERS are looking to tackle the tricky ETHERDELTA exchange. I've made a step by step how to video on my page. All the best

Nice post. I was about to post a similair post. How much do we actually know about a coin. It's surprising to me people invest in cryptos that they know nothing about. Besides there is: The site is my go to place for crypto investment analaysis and indepth coin research. Check: For the Veritaseum Detailed analysis.