Today...a windy dance of change is in the air!

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago (edited)

Its windy today and the west wind blows blessings from the west...
My hair is blown all over my sight and I am able to do a headstand but's better to leave after 3 dances as my instinct prompted me to do.
I always follow my instinct. My husband says I "shoot from the hip" and he jokes about it often.

I tell him but if it was not for having such a good aim I won't be able to shoot from my hip.
I have an immense accurate aim. I have gained body intelligence from dancing for 9 years and standing on my head for 7 years.

But what he refers to is that my words are at times too bold and courageous in the eyes of adversity, leading to me to burn bridges.(relationships)
I tell him that I am a bridge burner as well as a bridge builder and my instinct will destroy the bridges that are not worthy of entering my space of Love.

I sit in communion with dragons and I speak to the Wind. I dance for the Sun and the clouds give me messages.
I am in another dimension yet I am still here in this 3rd dimension too.
I question at times why did I come here...the answer I get is that I dance the codes for the awakening on the beach and I ground them with every step that I take into this world. I am an illusion breaker, a balancer of energies, an awakener to those who believe.

Today I danced the song for the freedom of all beings, it 's also called the decentralizing the economies dance.
I dance this song and I pray for cryptocurrencies to rise and break the dawn of the sovereign beings.
I then danced the dance of prosperity and abundance and blessed all that are working for the greater good with prosperity and abundance.
I could not dance the portal song that played next as I was urged instinctively to go home.

So I am home now and I am or every Friday is Goddess Friday.
Fridays are filled with love and warmth and fun!
Embrace your inner Goddess and embrace the Goddess energy that exists in everything.
Here I am dancing for the trees which got burnt down in a town called Greyton.

The song is so beautiful and soothing. It's the Om Nama Shiva chant...listen to the words and listen to this chant whenever you feel panicked or in pain.
Its an instant healer and when I dance to this I bring healing to timelines and places.

The trees were burnt because people were fighting against one another.
The trees were very upset as no one told them what had happened. The trees said before they were burnt down they thought they were in Heaven as every Saturday a market was held in their shade.
They loved to hear the laughter of children and to see the smiling faces of all the families.
I danced them this dance above and I empathised with them and their pain.
I wish deeply for humans to respect trees and animals as beautiful beings of light.
Sadly the animals and the plants have appealed to the Universe to be removed to another place as they find it unsuitable to thrive on Earth.
The Universe granted their wish...
Only with our human intervention can we change their minds, but it starts by not eating them!!!
This beautiful picture is artist unknown)

With lots of love and light and Goddess Friday blessings
Nomvula the Greeninglady


They say change is the only constant thing in life. :)
Love your posts.