Earn some extra Steem with this site!

in #cryptocurrencies7 years ago


Last week I stumbled upon this site, called EarnCrypto. You won't make a million USD over there, but still you can earn some nice crypto of your choice, by mining, watching video's, doing tasks, filling in surveys, whatever.


I especially like the part, you can choose you the coin you prefer to be paid in. In my case it is Steem of course. Look at this picture of the last few days.


I especially like the Rewardmine feature, where you can mine via browser and get paid in Steem. No effort, be sure to set it to easy or medium, and your computer works fine while you keep working, and you get some free Steem, or other coins if you like.

I have gained about 0.7 Steem in one week, which is definitally not bad, for really doing nothing. You could say the electricity, but my PC was working, as I was working, so, really no extra cost there.

Here you can see my balance up to now. (withdrawal cost is 0.01 Steem if you withdraw less than 6 Steem)

Here you can see some of the possibilities of how to earn an extra buck or two! Good luck.

earncrypto offers.JPG

I will let you know what it brings!Of course there is a possibility to earn via referrals, I haven't got any yet, but if you want to sign up, you can use my link: https://www.earncrypto.com/earn-free-steem/?r=69055




This looks good...I signed up to start collecting steem :)

let me know if you get paid from this website. as i am waiting for months to get paid from this

fee: 0.00000000 Monday Nov 13, 2017 12:40 pm EST
Dash Address: XepfGHy7pJ8fpi3p3Q4yt8m9UhWdJSxjb7

fee: 0.00100000 Wednesday Jan 10, 2018 7:59 pm EST
Wallet: 1CakMfzt8wVWpya5gKQqZzhEY1jkC2agU

fee: 0.0020000 Friday Nov 17, 2017 4:00 pm EST
Litecoin Address: LKTdGXEmh4gg3ERC5ZSrvj1oh2Ttpbjd5w

fee: 1.000 Saturday Jan 27, 2018 1:05 pm EST
Wallet: D6GRxkgrYNe8wtWqgCABATV1GXyP7e1rNj #W4525 Pending -0.0268660 dash #W11002 Pending -0.0043100 bcc #W4903 Pending -0.088570 ltc #W11687 Pending -45.50 dgb