Iota too late to invest?

Is it too late to invest in iota? Have you missed your chance? Iota has recently gone up a lot. Therefore some people feel like they have missed the boat. A lot of people felt like this with Bitcoin. When Bitcoin was about $1000. So yeah.. Ethereum same thing a lot of people felt like they missed the boat at a ETH price of $50. It's really important to look at the marketcap. And the potential growth of the marketcap. When you look at the market there is a lot of potential for growth. And still with Bitcoin too. We are still at the early stages.


If you look at which​ stage iota is. I don't believe you are too​ late. It's crazy what they all plan to implement. So there is much​ time till you can be too​o late to invest in iota. :) But that shouldn't​ be an advice to invest. There are just my thoughts about it. There is always a huge risk!

If you wanna read a bit more about, what plans they have check this out:

I completely agree with you I've already checked out the roadmap many times, but thanks for the link:) there is a lot of good stuff coming

Yes, I just looked at the roadmap again, after 2 months, and boy, there are many new exciting developments on the way :)