Coinbase announces another breakthrough for their customers. Previously, there was limitation with making transaction on Coinbase to purchase digital currencies. Yesterday 12th of October Coinbase announces on their blog and their twitter channel that their customers can now instantly purchase cryptocurrencies on their platform using a US bank account. Before the case was different with buying digital currencies with US bank account as you will have to wait for several days before your order will be processed. With the new development of instant bank purchase customers can now place order and it will be processed instantly. I am happy to witness this improvement as I am one of their customers. The purchase limits has also been raised to $25,000 which is huge deal. I think this is worth sharing.
This is great improvement, and will attract more people.
work you're so good
Just sharing info. Thanks
ok men
That is a very pleasing announcement. Hopefully, the charges for the transaction will be lower than using a credit card.
Coinbase should open transaction to other territories as well.
It is a gradual development. Let us hope they will do that in the future
Hopefully, yes. :)
God bless you too