I woke up thinking ‘interdata’ (as an analogy to interstate and internet) and ‘interfuge’, then I realized Interbits is much more catchy, three instead of four syllables, and with mass market appeal. And the naturally fit token name is also catchy and obviously ibits.
I certainly prefer it to Hyperdata. Though compared to Oodles (leaving aside for a moment your earlier argument against it), I would perhaps judge it to have less mass-market appeal. While I do quite like it, Interbits is still more of a technical name. As you remark
Interbits strongly associates with Internet.
which itself can be construed as a bit cold and technical, seeing as of course it's commonly abbreviated to "the net" or "web".
I think the ibits token name is superior to CRED, because it is more hi-tech and connotes iPhone and mobile.
Yes, I see what you're getting at. Might CRED still work as a future Q&A DAPP name, given the trust association?
Btw, I see CRED is already used for an alt called "Verify".
That was addressed in either the text of this blog or the comments I posted several months ago.
I just searched back and found it. I realise now it was the actual Name "Verify" I'd forgotten.
as much as I like the CRED name for a token for reasons discussed in the comments on this blog, I wish I could think of a more unique name for the token for this project which is as much of a naming coup d'état as Uncommons.
Agreed. A tall but ( I suspect) not impossible order.
we want that the value of the money grows due to the network effect.
I can appreciate that. As said previously, for my own part, I want to let the concepts of the inverse commons and anti-rival good settle into my brain for a couple of days before embarking on any ideas I might have myself, and also for better understanding your own approach. I've been familiar with them for a few months now via yourself, and a couple of other guys I've been reading and listening to (my job leaves me plenty of spare mental capacity, so I listen to lots of podcasts); though not from a crypto or social media angle, more along the lines of "cooperative human organization". There must be something in the water.
I like ibits. Concise and modern-looking, with a suggestion of "itsy bitsy"(I promise I arrived at this before I read it amongst the humorous old name ideas!) , so an implied fun element to it as well as a functional one.
Ghost and Spooktoshi would be topical today;-)
Netbits (and Bitnet, Hyperbits, Funbits, Coolbits, Yoobits, etc) were already contemplated in my 2015 thread.
Yes, I remember.
¹ And often with long droughts or many bad ideas interim.
In all, I think the signal to noise is getting stronger.
The .app domain is the new TLD from Google which requires HTTPS. With the mobile generation moving towards mobile apps instead of the browser, I think a .app domain is sufficient as long as the .com is not going to be used by a competitor or website which confuses users into accessing the wrong site.
I see. Yes.
I thought this recent tweet from Kim Dotcom was revealing:
The new social media site I’m working on will run completely independent of hosting companies, ad networks and payment providers. It’s decentralized, by the people for the people. Volunteer moderators will work together to keep it free of scams and crimes. Free speech guaranteed.
To me, the highlighted text suggests it isn't really decentralised? Open to being gamed by the "volunteer moderators". Who would choose them, I wonder. So, for me, the project has a big question mark over it. A boon for yours.