I just used an American saying, so what!
Crypto is going through a crisis of identity, those who wanted it to succeed are nagged by the thought that maybe it may be the devil in disguise, and it may well be, if left to the greedy few to manipulate, it may not if everyone takes a hand in making sure "they" can not, that is up to all of us!.
Steemit is going to go full on protectionist for a while and rightly so. Why should someone that has only known me for 12 months, and someone I may even have argued with, called a tosser, or disagreed with vote for me? When said person probably has 50 people he/she has known for 2 years that always agrees with them?
Simple, they are going to vote for them before me, and fair play to them for that, it is human nature after all.
Bring your A game or shut up!
Sounds harsh does it not? Not really, as none of us are guaranteed to get votes just for writing any old crap, well some are, mention no names crypto guru.
I have been on steemd for months now, putting the puzzle together re Dan/Ned and their alt egos, Though for now I am going to shut up. Why? At this moment in time being negative is not required, there is enough of that going around to infect a pig that has been immunized against any infection known to man including pessimism.
I will say this though, that freedom account stinks bad, Why? Let me quote stinc on the 23rd March 2016 below.
Before I do that, let me explain why the https://steemd.com/@freedom account keeps haunting me whilst I search steemd. Freedom is running off with a lot of money. Freedom has 7,951,655.887 SP, freedom was mined and this for me is the glitch in the matrix = Mined true. The current system that is not N2, benefits freedom much!. Freedom was created on the 31st March, the day before steemit.com went live with the alpha release where 150 invited people launched the site. Freedom has never made a single comment or post "EVER"...............
Now if you can comprehend the above, then you can comprehend why freedom haunts me MUCH.
Allow me to show you, as I have before, a statement from the 23rd March 2016, before stinc went live online, 8 days before the alpha launch (and the alpha account does not add up either, I digress.).....
There are many common complaints/conspiracies about STEEM that we want to address up front:
- We know that our announcement could be vague and create a barrier to entry for those who cannot code
- We have mined the vast majority of blocks thus far and we do not attempt to hide it
- We have mined using forum names so that we can give those names to their rightful owners
- We have mined to register accounts with popular boy and girl names because they might have extra value some day
- We know that many here may chose to avoid or not mine STEEM simply because of how it was launched, that is your choice.
If you do not like how STEEM was launched please move on. Full source
If they had "mined the vast amount of blocks on the 23rd of March" Where did freedom get that massive mined stake from????????? Any help appreciated on this one!...........
I am the eternal optimist. though a realist at the same time!
I know a lot of people have put real money in here, and I know a lot of people are feeling abused, down and not very happy. Fuck it, you only live once. If you believed in this place once, then you do now still. And you are already committed, so why the long face horse?...
If! You believe this to be a real community, then surely you put your faith in said community right? Right. Then this community will iron out the current problems based purely on your belief in that community yes?> If you answered no, then you should never have invested time and effort in here in the first place!.

I am going full circle back to the start!
Bring your "A" game on!.
@shepz1 drops the mic, and waits to see the good news posts ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plagiarism!!! (or if it's not, It should be....That's my line..lol)
Lol fuck you, sue me. :-) Who reads your posts anyway? Only jesting bro, I know you can take a joke, happy Easter.
Good point sir,
....very good point.
( I looked my friggin' date for second then...easter?...easter?...have I missed some months? lol)
AH got ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Destiny= 32. But nope that just was not good enough for me. So I looked at it again. 6+1=7 then a 7 then 5+2=7 note the 1 and the 2 fall after their respective numbers. 2-9= -7. so in conclusion Destiny = 777.Sorry no help on the @freedom stuff, I am lucky enough to understand what I do understand about this place. On another note, I just had to add those numbers up
Many people think that 777 is the true number of the beast and not 666. If one thought about it to much you could see how that is, how many people believe there are 7 deadly sins? yet turn around and see 7 as a lucky number?
i know had not much to do with the post.
Nice work bro, you got the groove on there.
Smoke a spliff, it gets even easier to decipher. :-)
Very true - I've been thinking the same thing and shutting my conspiracy face - but the post I did this morning about SteemPress - that one I'm being real about not a happy slapper
Good man yourself.
Sometimes I accidentally start going on about trannies, but I can do positive...
I know you do lol.
Your overuse of italics really put me off reading it.
There you go, never say I do not aim to please, edited "just for you!"...............
The dirty laundry will be hung out to see one day. Yes I am one that has invested fiat into steem. No doubt we can all help sort this place out in all our different ways. Have a great day in the east brother :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Need some more fucking cow bell here!