
Don't be so certain. Buying BTC will raise the price. It also means that banks need to be willing to spend millions of dollars on this virtual nothing of a currency - not the kind of things that banks would do at the tactical or operational level - it would have to be a decision made at the very top.

Also I wish them the best of luck in getting BTC out of the hands of the hodlers - long term believers in the currency who will cling to it whether price rises or falls.

Of course any crypto which becomes over-centralised can be sold by crypto investors in favour of decentralised ones.

Banks will play games with crypto, but it won't be easy and they will not win. The best thing about crypto is that it has significantly levelled the playing field of wealth and power.

hum, that's an interesting view but I am not sure I agree with it. Bitcoin price is easy to manipulate thanks to the future market and the power is very much concentrated in the hands of the biggest holders. I think banks aren't going away anytime soon and i am sure they've already bought in sizeable positions of crypto just in case it catches on and goes mainstream. But it's just my opinion :)

We all just have opinions! 😄

I doubt banks have bought in, but bankers - I'm pretty sure that they have!