in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency has been a universal phenomenon whose vision has been embraced by numerous people across the globe. This project started in 2009 with Bitcoin as the first invested crypto. This cryptocurrency uses blockchain as the basis of their functionality. Due to the fact that Blockchain technique has recorded a great technological advancement and as well considered as the remedy to diverse of problems associated with various technical problems battling industries, almost all sectors of the global economy has also adopted this blockchain technique as the basis of their functionality. These sectors includes; automobiles, hospitality, health care, finance to mention a few. Even though there has been growing utilisation and attention of these currencies still, crypto has not been massively adopted. This is because there are numerous countries with little or no knowledge of this development and their myopic understanding have limited the adoption of cryptocurrency in such areas. For a massive adoption and utilisation of this currency, KABN is created.

KABN is a neo financial service platform servicing Millennial and Gen-X retail investors. They are compliance service providers Company at a very low cost in exchange for obtaining licence to issue Visa card accounts and access to the corresponding KABN banking wallet. KABN monetizes card holders through card transaction fees as well as through loyalty and affiliate commissions

KABN adapts card holders through card exchange charges just as through dependability and partner commissions.

KABN propelled its lead item in December 2018, a bank-grade, Always On, personality confirmation and approval consistence arrangement with universal help. KABN has made a "B2B2C" foundation and patent-pending technology enabling customers and shoppers to take activities, as management would like to think that once in the past required complex and tedious validation, and rather influence turn-key Smart Contract libraries. Organization the executives trusts that KABN satisfies the developing requirement for consistence answers for cutting edge money related technology new companies, trades, security token guarantors and other monetary specialist organizations. KABN use this network of pre-endorsed individuals to give budgetary administrations to cryptocurrency lovers and others that are searching for increasingly instinctive approaches to oversee online and traditional fiat exchanges. Based on this consistence layer, KABN offers a suite of monetary administrations, incorporating associations with banking accomplices, to issue a KABN-marked Visa card connected to a multi-cash banking wallet for everyday use and a KABN dedication platform which permits KABN individuals to profit by buys made at web based business sites and physical stores subsidiary with the program. KABN's neo money related administration platform not just considers increasingly consistent consistence and support in speculation openings yet KABN the board fights that the suite of budgetary administrations separates dividers between the crypto economy and principle road installments

KABN ID : KABN gives start to finish client confronting applications at, what the executives fights, is a lower value point than customary backend specialist organizations. Customers who use KABN expel the migraine of structure their very own application and accelerate the consistence procedure for members definitely known to the KABN network

Adaptable Whitelists :KABN is planned around the idea of whitelist enrollment. Whitelists on KABN are architected to help parallel yes/no inquiries to permit or avert confined activities, for example, buying crypto tokens. Whitelists on the KABN network have an adaptable arrangement of consistence rules. Clients who join the whitelist and fulfill all the consistence rules are permitted to perform confined activities. At the point when a client joins a whitelist, the client is provoked to round out data and transfer duplicates of individual reports.

KABN can render diverse web structures to oblige distinctive whitelist rules. KABN holds history crosswise over whitelists to abstain from requesting a similar data more than once from a similar client.

The KABN whitelist design suits consistence and scale over numerous money related touchpoints while serving singular customer needs. Continuously On Compliance KABN underpins globally perceived reports for Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines. What's more, for backers of private or beginning time resources, KABN gives capability to financial specialists in the United States and Canada, and wellspring of riches confirmation for speculators in Europe. To date, KABN has screened people in the accompanying nations: Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Canada, Ecuador, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Latvia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Vietnam. Different nations will be out of this world board.

Clients on the KABN network get progressing Anti-Money Laundering (AML) observing and demands to affirm or refresh individual data that is terminated or outdated. Money related technology new businesses can re-appropriate this operational weight at no additional charge.

Blockchain Registries :Issuers of crypto-resources are required to permit or deny interest at the smart contract layer in self-executing code sent on the blockchain network.

KABN gives library contracts 9 © 2019 All rights saved. For discourse purposes as it were. conveyed on blockchain networks that oversees and tracks which blockchain wallets are permitted to perform managed activities. Clients who join a KABN whitelist are required to connect something like one blockchain wallet to their record. At the point when a client is affirmed, KABN naturally concedes access in the comparing smart contract vault.

KABN drives effectiveness over existing arrangements by permitting any customers who utilize a KABN blockchain library coordination to design their whitelist and reference the vault contract in their own smart contract code.

KABN gives a total start to finish on-chain consistence arrangement without the need to compose any application code. Information Vault In request to give consistence arrangements, some data and records are touchy Personally-Identifying Information (PII) which KABN stores in encoded database and item stockpiling in Ireland so as to be GDPR agreeable. New businesses and guarantors are, as management would see it, regularly poorly prepared to deal with this touchy information. Much of the time, representatives at less experienced organizations will store client records on individualized computing gadgets. KABN shields all customers from taking care of touchy information by giving client confronting applications. Focused Matrix16 Company Price Per Customer Int'l Support Secure PII Manual Review Always On Blockchain Integration

Blunder! Filename not indicated.

Token Distribution

The KABN Equity Token, "advanced security" or "computerized endorsement" is a proportionate to the KABN Preference Equity Share and has every one of the rights and benefits of those offers.

Type of Security :
KABN (Gibraltar) Limited Preference Equity Shares
Current KABN Prefernce Shares/Token Available for purchase :
85 Million Shares and 26.18 Million Options
Private Round 1 — Underway with first closing completed:
39,610,000 Shares and 19,805,000 Options
Private Round 2 — est. Q2 2019:
12,750,000 Shares and 6,375,000 Options
Crowdfunding Early Public Sale — est. April 15, 2019:
17 Million Shares
Crowdfunding Full Public Sale — est. May 1, 2019:
15.64 Million Shares

Token Allocation




For more information,

WEBSITE:https://www.kabntoken.com Whitepaper:https://www.kabntoken.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/KABN-Company-Overview-Summary-V1.2.pdf Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pg/kabnnetwork/posts/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kabn/

Writer Details

Bounty0x Username: olawale100