I have been looking around for ways to earn cryptocurrencys and I came across faucets! Moreover, faucets do earn you free cryptocurrencys with just going on to the website every once and awhile to collect crypto. Also, It gets sent right to your wallet with no fees. I just want to say that you won't be getting a huge amount of crypto, but it is free and who doesn't like free stuff. Finally, these sites do not use your cpu for mining, they get paid by all the ads on the websites (Adblock ftw). So I guess I'm just going to put my referrals and hope that you guys sign so I can earn some more crypto! Thanks!
LiteCoin Faucet : http://moonliteco.in/?ref=3f57bc5c615e
DogeCoin Faucet: http://moondoge.co.in/?ref=1653c75fec5f
Dash Faucet: http://moondash.co.in/?ref=F458755FF0B8
BitCoin Cash Faucet : http://moonb.ch/?ref=A6BEAA10B333
Bitcoin Faucet : http://moonbit.co.in/?ref=420f20359ce4