This is a great idea and I would really like to get myself involved. How do we get started? Is there any deadline to this or for how long Will it continue? @sroka87
Looking forward to hearing from you...
This is a great idea and I would really like to get myself involved. How do we get started? Is there any deadline to this or for how long Will it continue? @sroka87
Looking forward to hearing from you...
Hi there @acheever. I'm glad you want to get involved!
The process is quite simple. Just let me know what erc20 token you want to review, and then follow the structure laid out here.
You can email first draft in.docx format to [email protected], and then I will read through, edit as appropriate, and provide any suggestions to make it into a killer review.
I will then transfer $40 worth of STEEM or ETH to your account, and you can also publish to your Steemit blog.
If your work is high quality (and having read some of your previous stuff i'm sure it will be!), and you want to continue writing reviews for us, then I will raise the payment to $50 for next 4 articles, and $60 for next five after that.
Any questions just ask!
I must admit that I really like what you're trying to achieve here @sroka87
Im not much of a review writer (more of a curator) so I can only support you and wish you all the best. Will definetly watch your progresss.
it's a good call to suggest increasing payout for @acheever reviews. Im very familiar with his work and he has solid base of well targeted followers.
Hello @sroka87.
Please, can I contact you via telegram?