Its way better! Not only is marketcap the highest now out of them all but the system just works way better, and storj had too many problems, and just nowhere near as succesful as siacoin is now
and trust me its like having potcoinnd then dopecoin aan canabiscoin itsrediculous, potcoin is already uneecisary! haha and u only need 1! and with these storj coins ya competition is godo etc but we gotta be honst with ourselves and see that sia is the clear winner and you should just get as much siacoin as u can before it goes past 41 and it costs 30,000 to run a sia storage rig to make money off iit! an we will need this foor all the data our ethereum super compter will use! (Im talking about the entie ethereum network as like soem sort of Toy that alll of humanity gets to play with
and honestly we have NO idea the amount of cheap storage we will need!
sacoin allows us to use up ALl that extra storage across all the billions of compters out there that arent evenused to thei full potential!
its like an entropic efficiency creator! it goes in and squeezes alll the last profutable free hard ddrive soace out of te entire internet of compters! and the rdollar amount of maing money off free hard drivesace is so cool and its what drivces the whole thing! liek folding coinnd grid coin making that foldig at home network grow WAY faster now that u ccan get paid from it!
just imagine the videogames u can render when u have access to millions of videocards all working on the ethereum or golem network! just one videocard lets you play grand theft auto or Star citizen....Imagine when u have a millio viddeo cards ...imagine how realistic u could get the graphics!! And YES eventally ethereum or something faster will beable to send out work and get the work processed instantly! Golem already network renders stuff out of Blender or Autocad what woul normaly take years in just seconds....imagie when they get cloud rendering of graphics over the many Exohashs the ethereum network offers