⛔ S**T! I Got Scammed Into Making $289 on Steemit

I got scammed into making $289 on Steemit, and I want to warn as many other people about it as possible - post this on other social media sites to warn all your friends!


It started slowly at first so I didn't even notice the scam was happening, or really understand it. I didn't know anything about crypto currency. I knew people used it to buy drugs on the dark web. I heard about Steemit from a friend who told me I should share my art on here. I was frustrated with Facebook algorithms, so I set up an account. A few people started to follow me. I saw $ signs and started to see some pennies next to my posts - but I knew it was a scam so I didn't pay much attention to them.

Pretty soon I got a commission from a patron in the UK who found my art on here. That was pretty awesome! I still didn't understand the cryptocurrency thing though. Then a couple of people started to sign up to my mailing list on my website by finding my posts on Steemit - so I figured I might as well keep posting.

"Peace Lotus"- 6 x 6 inches, acrylic paint on canvas. My first custom painting done for a Steemian, commissioned by @redrica - thank you!!


Eventually some time at the end of 2017, I went and looked up "Steem" on Google, and found out about CoinMarketCap. I looked up SBD. That's when I was like "Wait a minute, these pennies are actually worth 7x as much as a USD?" - I got excited! But I soon found out I had to set up a wallet and use exchanges and pay fees and give dubious new companies a lot of my personal information to ever cash it out. I knew it - it's a scam!

But getting a commission wasn't, and neither were the people commenting on my art and signing up for my mailing list. So I kept posting.

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Then my brother @qcfoodie told me he was into "the crypto thing". He even owned Steem in his portfolio - but he'd never heard of Steemit! He also told me that he knew how to turn crypto into cash. He told me I just had to set up a wallet on https://coinsquare.io/ SO I got excited again! I set up the external wallet I needed, and hooked my wallet up to my bank. About 10 days ago I was still doubting it all, but I initiated my first cash out. I transferred 56 SBD to blocktrades, exchanged it for 1.53 LTC, transfered the LTC to my Coinsquare wallet, then exchanged the LTC for $289 Canadian dollars, and transferred it to my bank - and waited. And waited. More than a week went by. I knew it - it's a scam!

Today the money was in my bank account.

Wait, what? This "crypto thing" is real? Steemit is real? I earned money just for sharing my art - even if people don't buy it? Yes. I hope this serves as a warning to you. If you're an artist, foodie blogger, YouTuber, photographer, Mom-blogger, musician, poet, fashion blogger, political analyst, video game reviewer, meme lord etc.. - be warned, you could easily get scammed into making money on Steemit too!

You won't get scammed into making money by signing up to my e-mail list - but you will get cool art and special offers in your inbox :) Visit https://www.NexusVisions.com/art -Adam



Funny story and you just gained a new follower!

Awesome, glad it made you laugh! :)

Nicely written - I was waiting for when the actual scam did happen until I was halfway ;-)

Glad you enjoyed it, the "Making $289" part of the title was supposed to be a tip off lol ;)

This is very instructive!Everybody learns from own mistakes. I also made many mistakes and lost my money on this kind of scams.
Now, I'm on your mailing list :)))

I didn't lose any money,I made money. Did you read the post? lol ;)

You mean Steemit is a scam or your crypto exchange was a scam?
It should be a little bit clearer what you want to say

Read again. It's just fun ;-)

I wrote this because most of my friends I tell about Steemit, or cryptos in general, react with "it's a pyramid scam", or "where does the money come from" or "it's not REAL money you can;t buy anything with it"

Resteemed, hehehe

Err, resteeming ;)


Hahaha, you're welcome !
Zanoni, the squid

Followed you! :)

Haha, ok, ok.... I got it!

I mean neither were a scam, I'm MAKING money, did you read the post? ;) lol

Dude help! I got scammed so hard!!

People keep adding me to their auto-upvote list. Now no matter what I do when I post am forced to take a profit.

Seriously, it sucks... People think they can just give you money for creating good content? Steemit just shows your content to your followers without stupid algorithms interfering? lol

I was fine with just showing my work off to my mom, now all of Steemit wants to hand over invisible dollars just so I will keep creating. Sorry mom for paying off your house and vehicles in 5 years.

Haha! Well done! I agree.. Facebook is more of a scam. This is an awesome place for us artists.

Yeah. I got scammed into making $100000.00 as a writer and an artist who focuses mainly on entertainment. All I did was share it too. I feel your pain.

By the way, I'm happy to see your blog picking up momentum. I think, if you play your cards right, soon enough you'll be getting scammed into making thousands. Because you showed up later than some, don't think that means you came late. This place is still in it's infancy. Make sure to hold on to some of these tokens, if you can.

P.S. I was reading some of the comments. People need to learn how to read. I get the humor here.

If I get to making thousands maybe I'll finally legally change my middle name to "Sarcasm" lol I've always said it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass! Slow and steady, I was 31 when I painted my first painting, by 34 I was making a living full time from my art (I'm 37 now). A lot of what I learned in that experience will serve me well here on Steemit I'm sure. Patience. Persistence. How to argue with strangers about politics in a country I don't live in. Consistency.

I hear you about the Steem/SBD, I'll see how things stack up, this is really slow season for art, generally income tax refunds start to come in March - and things pick up again. lol

I've been writing for most of my life. Never published anything. Lost most of it in hard drive failures. Same thing with the digital art. During those years, it didn't make sense for me to invest money into the words or art with the hopes of getting something out of it. Ten years ago I thought Facebook might be a good start. I thought about doing something similar to what I'm doing here, on Facebook. Imagine how much of a waste of time that would have been. Sure, maybe I would have grown a following and maybe got a few likes... but likes don't buy cheeseburgers.

I hope this Steemit thing stays the way it is, with a few improvements of course. Myself and quite a few others have helped pioneer entirely new business models for artists. It's good the see the conventional approach finding their way here as well. I truly believe this concept, what were all doing here... it should help make the starving artist go extinct.

MySpace was supposed to make the starving artist go extinct - and it did for the ones who maximized on that platform - but, it died. Facebook used to make an even playing field for creatives, there was a time I was getting 3-5000 hits to my website a week and my posts were reaching 20-70K people. That's how I built my business. But, Facebook died too. When Steemit gets really popular, the reward pool will be the same, but there will be 100x as many content creators trying to get a piece of it. Eventually, SBD will drop down to $1 or less and Steemit will become much harder to eek a profit from. I'd love it if the idea of the starving artist went away but to a lot of artists, they don't feel like "real" artists unless they;re starving and suffering. SOOOOO many of my artist friends don't even take 3 minutes to look into Steemit. They're not entrepreneurs, even if you give them a platform to make free money, it's too much work for them... It's not art if they;re "just trying to make money with it" etc...


Love the Peace Lotus!

Thank you! It was fun to create. @redrica sent me this picture to use as an inspiration for the painting


Ooh, I like that too!

Haha, dude...that was a good one!

I'm seriously having the time of my life in the digital realm here.
Also, I've never heard the words "just" and "my art" coming from you in the same sentence. I don't think that's quite accurate ;)

Nice title! I have been watching some videos by @joeparys about how all this works because I DO NOT GET IT. But I understand a little more bit by bit. I'm so glad it's a happy scam!

I didn't get it until my brother explained it to me. It's really not all that complicated once I actually did it lol Super excited about the possibilities!

many people doubt until they see the real money in their hands, Its indeed "a good scam" that you fell for. Much success to you!

I think it's normal to have that feeling. Especially because I didn't join Steemit to make money blogging, I just wanted a place where people who choose to follow me actually SEE my art posts lol Learning abut crypto and becoming part of an awesome community are icing on the cake!

Haha, I love this! I have definitely had my fair share of people calling it a scam...and just shake my head as I take out my bitpay visa card and buy a new laptop with money made on steemit :)

I was one of those people at first, I heard about Steemit like 18 months ago, but I didn't want to give my phone #... I used to work in call centers for 17 years, I was like "Oh ya I'll become a lead, and get calls from India every 5 mins, not falling for that".. Man I wish I'd joined then! But, better late than never, and it's still pretty early I think :)

Wow that's amazing. You deserve to get a commission from anywhere because you're a cool art teacher. 👍

And yeah I also didn't believe in Steemit until I got some real money out of it. 😁

Thank you! I'm going to write more articles about making a career from art soon :)

I'm glad I fell for the "scam" too! I remember my first cash out to fiat vividly. I even lived through a month of unemployment from Steemit earnings =)

It helped me make ends meet too, the month after Christmas is usually pretty slow lol

That's a hoot. I look forward to getting scammed that well.

Haha. You got me there. Nicely done.. so intriguing. You got scam in a good way. Not bad!

Ha. Gave me a good giggle tonight. Glad to see you doing well and you are gaining Steem. (See what I did there?)
Upvoted and re-Steemed.

Thank you! I do see what you did there lol Forget Steampunk, Steempuns are better lol