What an amazing week this has been! To celebrate, another STEALTH token giveaway takes place right here on Steemit. Is there anyplace better than this? I mean, dude.. seriously.
To qualify for the free tokens, you just have to Follow us here on Steemit.
For those of you unaware of what Stealth transactions are, they're a new feature being built into the Bitshares platform and mobile wallets over the next couple months (testnet to be made public very soon). It allows you to Send/Receive/store digital assets (to Accounts and Contacts) anonymously, ie:
For example: "unknown" sent n "unknown" to "unknown"
Here are some forum threads about Stealth:
Stealth tech info:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,17687.0/all.htmlWhat is an FBA?
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,20286.0/all.htmlOther info:
Note: We do not sell tokens, this is just a giveaway with no strings attached. We want to thank all of our Followers for being so supportive here on steemit too!
In the last 2 giveaways (including today's), 406 people were given 7,861 STEALTH tokens..
..valued on average (Bitshares DEX) at around $6.50 per token, that comes to $51,096.50!
To find out about the next giveaway, be sure to also visit us in the Telegram group:
To qualify for the free tokens, you just have to Follow us here on Steemit.
The next giveaway is coming VERY soon, so stay tuned!
Peace, Love and Agorism.
-the Dev Teams @ Agorise :)
Cool, expecting more updates about stealth and FBA
Thanks again kencode!
Thank you so much Ken!
Thank you for tokens :)
Seeing such generosity - I want to do the same myself))
Yes, so so generous! This give away really made my day and actually made a huge difference for me.
You are most welcome, and thank YOU! As we release more crypto products I hope to see many many people and businesses start to use them.
Thank You, Ken. You are a great man! Agorise forever!
Let's agorise the world! :)
Thanks a lot, Ken!
Peace, Love and Agorism.
Thank you @kencode @agorise. Knowing there are good generous people behind STEALTH makes me much more interested in the project. How else can I get involved? Supper cool guys and thank you thank you
Thank you for following our projects and products, let's change the world together! :)
Actually, we do need official Spokesperson's who speak additional languages. These people are needed to demonstrate and speak at conferences for us. Know anyone like this who might be interested?
If so, please ping ken on Telegram @kenCode
Thank you, Ken!
Ken, already told a lot about you and about Agorism. Good luck in progressing
Great work Dev Team! Very generous of you all :)
Merci pour ce givaway !! 😄👌
Wow, thanks a lot for that generous present! Just got my tokes!

👍 Thank you Ken and @agorise Team for all that you do.
Looking forward to your updates on Stealth and Carbon.
...and thank you for the tokens - very grateful.
Wow! This is so amazing. Thank you!
I can't wait to see what the Stealth developers are up to! Thank you
It's difficult to say more than "thank you". You are an amazing person.
Cảm ơn @kencode @agorise vì những điều đã, đang và sẽ làm mang lại cho cộng đồng.
I may be new to Steemit, but I am beginning to appreciate this world as if I had been here from the inception. I truly appreciate how many operating from a win-win perspective. Thanks for your agorism. Upvoted and followed.
I was one of the recipients. Thanks again :) resteemed
Holy crap, thats awesome! glad to be in the know. Thanks guys at @agorise
That is neat. followed and resteemed. :)
I'm new to steemit and my first impression is quite positive.
Giveaways like these make it interesting!
Thank you
Let Agorise rule
T h a n k s for the last giveaway Ken!
Sending all positive energy to Agorise:)
best crypto giveaways ever :)
Thank you for tokens :)
you are doing an amazing job, buddy! wish you all the best!
? somehow my comment posted twice - i edited this one out.
Hi i read your blog and its nice. Welcome to steemit and I'm Sakib from Bangladesh. I'm also new in steemit. I'm also vote and followed you. So can you please vote and follow me also ?? Best of luck.
Thank you so much Ken!
Stealth nice.
Been following you for a long time Ken : )
I missed this, right? :P
does anyone know the status of STEALTH? ...it's been a while