Airclipse has been developed as part of the Ethereum ecosystem primarily, it will also be developed into the mainstream environment with a strong, dedicated team at work to ensure the success of Airclipse in both environments. We opted for Ethereum as to date it has displayed the most stability, technological prowess and the strongest community since the beginning of the blockchain revolution!

Codes carried out on the blockchain hold immense advantages over similar applications. Below is a list of the comparative advantages blockchain technologies hold over conventional centralized databases:
There are no intermediaries to levy exorbitant fees; transactions are largely inexpensive. Transfers attract little transaction charges.
Members of the network can check transactions the blockchain to ensure it is uncompromised; it can be done continually. Attempted changes to the blockchain can be identified and denied by users.
As explained earlier, transactions made on the ledger can be seen by all. Records of all transactions ever made on the blockchain are accessible.
Once a transfer is made into a network, it cannot be reverted. Transactions made on blockchain don’t use third-parties and hence incur less charges. There are no intermediaries to vet transaction before they are approved.
Network Security
Due to the expanding numbers of users on the blockchain, it is practically impossible for a single user to tamper with stored data or submit a fraudulent transaction successfully. Theoretically, it is conceivable with enough resources devoted to such a scam. The enormity of the funds required to pull it off makes it counterproductive. The size of a network determines the value of the token and hence the resources needed to defraud; this helps to discourage such an endeavour.
Blockchain addresses don’t contain the owners’ personal information. The addresses are randomly assembled characters which cannot be traced to an individual. Owners have the discretion to decide if they want to prove they own and control an account.

Advantages of Airclipse using blockchain:
• Users can easily monitor transactions with a clear and secure record found on the ledger. This bodes well for our unique features such as tip and rewards, whereby teams and employers can constantly track their achievements and token distribution. This example could easily be used for recruiting companies to see how individuals performed in a previous roles also.
• The transparency of blockchain technology will ensure that team member profiles will be validated as their achievements will all be stored on the ledger for all to see.
• Our target market use blockchain technology daily for their own projects. It makes perfect sense they incorporate a work platform that does the same. This is a benefit to blockchain technology as a whole.
With these advancements and advantages available using blockchain technology it makes perfect sense why blockchain has already taken the world by storm, and we’ve only scratched the surface of it’s capabilities. Airclipse has the potential to be a great addition to the new business world. The future is now.