Opporty Review - A dual-layered business relationships ecosystem

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Today independent contractors and freelancers are hardly an unusual sight. In principle, each company hired a contractor or freelancer at least once. There is an Opporty.


The platform unites contractors and freelancers with business owners who are willing to pay for their services. If any company is looking for experienced employees, Opporty will be an excellent platform for registration to find them.
Freelancers can also rely on a convenient environment for Opporty. Although finding a good job as a freelancer today is quite difficult, Opporty can help. This allows freelancers to be recognized for their amazing work and to receive a continuous stream of well-paid orders.

Opporty is a business ecosystem consisting of three layers: Protocol, Scoring and Platform. The solution is a business ecosystem consisting of three main layers: 1) Proof-of-Expertise protocol; 2) The system of calculating the reputation rank; 3) B2B platform (marketplace) for business transactions. The goal of Opporty is to become a global business marketplace and a platform for validating and verifying suppliers on the block, thanks to a solution that allows creating an environmentally friendly business environment.


By combining the advantages of economic technologies on demand and block chain, Opporty introduced cryptoresource markets for B2B and B2C trading. In particular, it allows creating a new model of social and commercial participation, recognizing the company in a strong community of Opporty experts and providing an opportunity to create a professional reputation through the sharing of knowledge that enriches society.
The Opporty crypt function is supported by the Ethereum platform, a distributed computing platform that simplifies the administration of intelligent commercial contracts and establishes their applicability.
Blocked gaming is the basis of the Opporty ecosystem: users can buy and receive tokens to access various services on the Opporty platform, or they can change tokens for currency currencies.
Vision and Mission OPPORTY Project
Our vision is to revolutionize the way small businesses and individual suppliers request and offer services. Using blockchain technology, we are striving to create a world in which companies use secure, strong and unchanging intellectual contracts that compete with conventional transactions and payment systems offered by corporate financial institutions, and this does not depend on the state for law enforcement agencies.
Our main goal is to create a productive environment - a business-oriented, decentralized and self-sustaining community where business owners and individual service providers are engaged in acquiring and selling their services and teaching others by providing content. Accepting the best of both worlds (on demand and block chain), our mission is to make Opporty an easy-to-use market that allows you to digitize some of the small business activities and provides a risk-free environment for doing business through Escrow and blockchain-smart smart contracts.

Competitive advantages of the platform

Low start-up costs for potential customers
Registration of a company on Opporty.com is free of charge. At the time of registration, the user can immediately reach the target audience. An effective reward system allows each newly registered business to compete with other players by performing "game" actions and providing content to the knowledge sharing system, improving the rating and increasing its position in the search for Opporty.
Opportunities for access to the target audience
Each registered supplier of goods and services has access to a huge base of potential customers. All users can contribute their content to the knowledge sharing system to share their knowledge and experience, build trust and credibility, and raise awareness. Built-in filters and targeting help you find new opportunities and convert them to potential customers.
Built-in incentive system for obtaining tokens by performing certain actions.
The reward system allows you to create a stronger community and encourages users to monetize the experience. Each user action on Opporty - whether it's a comment, response, review or article - is rewarded with tokens.
Tokens can be used to purchase Opporty services, pay for third-party services, rent advertising space, etc.
Knowledge Sharing
System Opporty knowledge sharing system is an independent platform that allows each
user to share their knowledge and experience with the community. Users can publish educational content to receive rewards in tokens and a higher rating in the search for Opporty. Each post is evaluated by the independent community of Opporty and is rewarded depending on its quality and value to the community.
Eskrou protection for companies and service providers
The Escrow procedure protects users from poor quality of service and allows you to quickly and impartially resolve any conflicts that arise. This makes it possible to more confidently order services from recently registered users who have not yet managed to confirm their reputation.
Experts The
Judges of Esquire are experts in specific fields and are selected by the vote of the Opporty community. The Escrow College acts as a decentralized system that takes transparent and unbiased decisions on emerging conflicts. Judges can standardize business rules in specific industries and offer contractual procedures for smart contracts.
Digital Democracy The
user can establish himself as a trusted expert and join the Esquire board, which is responsible for offering, selecting and implementing standardized procedures for specific services. Voting is conducted using blocking technology, which makes it independent and transparent.



August 2017 - basic functionality: offers, inquiries, answers, blog, questions and answers
October 2017 - issue and sale of tokens
December 2017 - implementation of the user reward system
February 2018 - multilingual localization
March 2018 - financing mechanism implementation
June 2018 - escrow support
August 2018 - chatbot user interface
September 2018 - AI-based advisors and service ranking
November 2018 - Phase II



Ticker: OPP
Token type: ERC20
ICO Token Price: 1 OPP = 0.0479 USD (0.00020000 ETH)
Fundraising Goal: 15,000,000 USD Total Tokens: 300,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 40%
Know Your Customer (KYC): YES (PERIOD ISN'T SET)
Bonus for the First: UP TO 20% (IMAGE)
Min/Max Personal Cap: 0.3 ETH / NO
Accepts: ETH

Bonuses: the
first 24 hours - 20%
2-4 days - 15%
5-9 days - 12%
10-14 days - 10%
15-19 days - 8%
20-24 days - 5%
25-28 days - 0%
Distribution of funds
Development - 20% (localization - 25%, infrastructure - 75%)
Marketing - 40% (experts - 15%, service providers - 35%, buyers - 50%)
Business development - 20%
Communication with the community - 10%
Other operating expenses - 10%
Use of funds depending on fees ICO
$ 2 000 000
Implementation of the marketing strategy for the USA
Expansion of the community department
Establishment of public relations and marketing departments for the USA
Support and expansion of the authority of the Development Department
Creation of support for local languages
Creation of financial, accounting and organizational infrastructure
$ 5 000 000
implementation of marketing strategies for the UK, Canada and Australia and empowerment development Department
Creating communities departments in Canada, Aus ralii and the UK
Creating departments of public relations and marketing in Canada, Australia and the UK
Expanding the capacity of the Development Department
Building support for local languages
Creating financial, accounting and organizational infrastructure
$ 10,000,000
Implementing marketing strategies for China and expanding the capacity of the Development Department
Establishing community departments in China
Establishing PR and marketing departments in China
Expanding the capacity of the Development Department
Creating support local languages
Creation of financial, accounting and organizational infrastructure
$ 15 000 000 +
Expansion of presence in the markets of the first and second priority levels (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and China)
Implementation of marketing strategies in the markets of the third and fourth priority levels (CIS, India, Japan, etc.)

Media links

Whitepaper - https://opporty.com/ico/uploads/OpportyWP-crowdsale-starts-October18.pdf ICO - https://opporty.com/ ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2189721 Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2189721