Hello i was just given a graduation gift of $750 and wanted to invest into various coins other than bitcoin since i'm worried about the huge price increase at the moment i was looking on Coin Market Cap and came up with some scenarios
also i get daily payments from genesis mining that is mostly for trading but this is mostly for buy and hold.
senario 1
25% steem
10% ripple
35% eth
senario 2
45% steem
25% ripple
25% eth
5% doge
please leave suggestions on what you would do with the money when it comes to crypto
Note: i don't actually expect much from doge coin but i little bit of growth can go a long way.
I like scenario 1, but i've heard good things about litecoin too
Don't be fooled by the bull run that cryptocurrencies have been on for the last week or so. Just because coins are being pumped and are skyrocketing does not make them good investments. The coins that I would be putting my money into right now are ones that have actual value (Monero, STEEM, and perhaps Ethereum). Please note that this is my opinion, but I am not a professional and I am merely another person who is interested in cryptocurrencies.
How about something a bit safer and stable, like an index fund?
I agree with this. Open yourself a Roth IRA or put the money into an index fund. Cryptocurrencies are so volatile that there are very few that are good long-term or safe investments. Please note again that I am not a professional and I am merely another person who is interested in cryptocurrencies and in trading.