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RE: Kik : The messenger app launches Kin an Ethereum based Token

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Being built on the Ethereum network, the major challenge will be the speed and the capacity of Ethereum which will be strained by adding the amount of users Kik has at the same time. They shall take in account the limits of the blockchain they are building the Kin token on.

As it is mentioned here, this is the biggest challenge in the development. EOS is much faster.


exactly. that's what i was saying if the transactions is the bottleneck someone should be on the phone, maybe dan saying use us instead. the amount of kik users is massive.

You are right. Do you know Dan? If yes can you point him this out?

i know of dan but i don't know him, pretty sure either @ned or @dan urls should work, so they MAY see this comment i'm not sure.

Ok, but I think they should have done this already. Let's see.

i hope so! :)