
I see, so the same thing that happened with the introduction of futures, will just happen again... a whole lotta nothing?

Personally i'm holding 15 different coins for long term as i thing they will all be worst much more in few year from now

Sure the price will go up and down but i'm looking on long term for 5 year from now

Yes, I'm like you, and are in this for the long-haul.

Cryptocurrency collecting is a hobby for me, so although price decreases hurt me like they hurt everyone else, I tend to see them as discount opportunities to help add more coins and tokens to my collection.

I am certainly biased. I have a very negative opinion of wall street and the entire stock and commodity space players. Everything is gamed and manipulated.
My initial reaction was that futures will destroy bitcoin. Maybe I was too pessimistic, but it just so happened that the opening of bitcoin future trading coincided with the beginning of the biggest crypto decline from which none have yet recovered.
If wall street is involved in pricing action no good things come of it.

Wall Street is never good for anything, because they don't care about anything else but gains, and what is in it for them. If they feel shorting it will make them better money, they will manipulate it downwards... as we saw with futures.