in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Screenshot from 2017-07-04 02-03-32.png

The hospital that is the center of the Presbyterian Hollywood medical attention in the United States. Uniquely, hackers who conduct attacks do not ask ransom in the form of money, slowly Bitcoin. The requested amount is 40 Bitcoin, which in dollars is worth USD 17 thousand or approximately Rp 229 million (1 USD = Rp 13,500).

Hacking effect perceived the hospital on 5 February. When the hospital network is infected by ransomware that can scramble data through encryption. As a result some of the hospital's medical recording system was called uprooted.

Initially hackers called asking for a ransom worth USD 3.6 million or equivalent to Rp 48 billion if the hospital would get the key encryption so that the scrambled files can be re-accessed. But the news later dismissed the hospital and they said they had paid a ransom worth 40 Bitcoin earlier.

Although now the hospital network has returned to normal again and claimed no single patient data or hospital staff leaked, not a few analysts who doubt it. And said that such cases have the potential to threaten other business sectors whose data are more sensitive.

SOURCE : https://inet.detik.com/security/d-3145457/kena-retas-rumah-sakit-diperas-hacker-40-bitcoin

By @allsave

The world is evolving in strange ways..