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RE: Cryptocurrency morning report by Craig Grant - July 21, 2016

in #cryptocurrency9 years ago

So, half of investors have pulled out of the DAO already, got back ETH and the price of Ethereum is still above $12.00? Personally, I don't see the big deal. Someone used what was allowed within the framework to take tokens form the DAO and then miners used what has allowed with in the framework to take them back. It's cool that you're optimistic about Steemit but keep in mind just how new it is. You wouldn't keep most of your money in a two month year old bank that issued it's own currency would you? Also, I'm a just a working slob (welder/fitter) and I was able to scoop up a decent size bit of ETH in the pre-sale. Don't talk too much shit on early investors. It just took an open eye to see what Ethereum could and still will bring to the table.


I guess we'll see how the price of ETH plays out on the exchanges over the next few days.