If you start with ZERO investment, it would be a very long ride that demands lots of patience and persistence.
I started that way, but after some time (few months) it seemed to slow for me, so I decided to invest $10 US.I agree with @littlenewthings!
In overall, and in the way I see it, the Eobot functioning the following way.
Your investment (even if it is from their Free Faucet) would return in a one year period. As you are somewhat renting their mining facility for five years (there are some other options too, but this one is most common), the remaining four years should be pure profit.
In my concrete case, my investment of $10 US, returned way quicker (instead of in one year, just in few months), only because the coins I was mining at Eobot raised a lot and much faster that was maybe expected. But, it could be the other way around if they dropped. So, that's something we can't predict. Almost like a sort of gambling.
Therefore, one of the primary and most crucial rules, from my point of view, when those kind of investments are in question is - not to invest more than you can afford to lose. If you are starting with ZERO investment of your own money, in that case, more or less, you don't have anything to worry about. π