The Japanese exchange Coincheck has now officially confirmed they will end trading Monero(XMR), Zcash(ZEC), Dash(DASH), and Augur(REP). They are doing so to comply with counter-terrorist financing and anti-money laundering laws implemented by Japan's Financial Services Agency.
I don't know about this exchange but this sounds like more fear mongering and intimidation by the government to restrict privacy and anonymity. The same tired line is repeatedly used to restrict freedoms in turn for a false sense of security.
One of the main implications of a true cryptocurrency is the ability to make anonymous transactions. I would argue that any digital currency that doesn't allow for truly anonymous transactions is just that, digital, not crypto. Just using cryptography to secure transactions doesn't mean real anonymity without technology like zero-knowledge proofs and encrypted payment information as well as ring confidential addresses and stealth transactions.
Real cryptocurrencies like Zcash and Monero who are implementing this technology (with great success) are being demonized by governments and mainstream media. The fact that true anonymity scares the powers that be should speak for itself.
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It's always interesting how government is comfortable only to a certain extent when it comes to cryptocurrency. It's always like "Sorry, not sorry"..LOL thanks for the post.