Crypto currency mining requires a large amount of energy supply and costs considerable. This is a problem for the crypto currency miners whether private miners or crypto currency mining companies. Swiss Alps Mining and Energy found a solution to overcome the problem is by utilizing the environmental temperature. Taking advantage of the unused buildings in the Swiss Alps, the company will build a crypto crystal mining site. And of course many benefits obtained by mining in the high mountains and low temperatures. Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) maintains unused buildings in the Swiss Alps and uses them wisely and uninterruptedly with either the building or the environment.
WHAT IS Swiss Alps Mining & Energy?
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy is a company that offers environmentally-friendly mining facilities in unused buildings in the Swiss Alps and is supported by renewable energy. Swiss Alps Mining and Energy is the first company in the world to use ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system to recover electricity from waste heat generated by the mining system. The ORC system uses industrial process effluent (through downstream processing steam) to generate electricity and thus used waste heat generated by the mining process to recover energy.

Water has a lower boiling point at higher ground, taking advantage of the fact that Swiss Alps Mining and Energy produce a much more efficient electrical recovery. SAM Cubes is located at high altitude and therefore the boiling point of water is reduced. The mining location of Swiss Alps Mining and Energy is in the low-temperature mountains of the Swiss Alps, which provides an advantage for companies to save on cooling costs of production equipment. Power consumption at Swiss Alps Mining and Energy mines or short SAMs can be minimized by up to 50% compared to conventional mining systems. Swiss Alps Energy AG has successfully developed and launched several products, solutions and applications based on blockchain technology.
HOW TO COMPANY Swiss Alps Mining & Energy WORK>?
Swiss Alps Mining & Energy utilizes a sophisticated Modular Cube System enabling Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) to build and implement mining components that are protected from dust on site. SAM Cube is a modular cube consisting of aluminum box and ventilation system adapted to its use. SAM Cube has two models: 4x2x2 meter cubes (SAM Unit 1) and 8x2x2 meters (SAM Unit 2). Both models can be made prefabricated or assembled on the site in a very short period of time. Thanks to an average annual temperature below 15 degrees Celsius in the Swiss mountains, the SAM Cube does not require an air conditioning system. Cooling of mining facilities The mining cube is flexible and modular that provides cutting-edge automation that requires minimal maintenance. Each Cube connects to a central management platform that provides optimum parameters to maximize mining so as to maximize profits as well. SAE will offer lease of mining facilities to communities interested in mining cryptocurrency. The lease will be paid using Tok tok tokens token that later can also ditradingkan tokens.

SAM Platform Swiss Alps Mining & Energy will provide a fully compatible SAM wallet with an existing token exchange and is easy to trade. The token holder Sam can also use any wallet that supports the Ethereum ERC20 contract. The wallet also offers purchase of SAM coins with crypto currency such as BTC and ETH. Users can use platforms via web, desktop, and mobile devices. Users can also invest SAM coins on the SAE platform to hire crypto currency mining such as BTC, ETH, DASH, etc. The platform also provides an analysis of their investments and rewards. This analysis allows users to monitor how investors' money will be spent.
ICO Swiss Alps Mining and Energy
Token SAM will be sold at a cheaper price during the ICO. The price of the SAM tokens during the ICO period will vary based on certain periods, following the token selling period period and the price:
Private sale tier 1: 0.30 USD per token (8,333,333 Tokens will be sold at this time)
Token private sale - tier 2: 0.40 USD per token (6,250,000 Token will be sold at this time)
Target Private-sale is reach 5,000,000 USD.
Token main sale - tier 1: 0.50 USD per token (100.000.000 Token will be sold at this time)
Token main sale - tier 2: 0.60 USD per token (25.000.000 Token will be sold at this time)
Token main sale - tier 3: 0.70 USD per token (21,428,571 Token will be sold at this time)
Token main sale - tier 4: 0.80 USD per token (18.750.000 Token will be sold at this time)
Target Main Sale is reach 95.000.000 USD .
Investors can purchase SAM token using Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Conventional Currency.
Total Token Supply: 239'682'538 SAM
14'583'333 Sam (6.0844%): will be sold in the upcoming Pre-Sale.
65'178'571 Sam (68.9156%): will be reserved for the main Sale Token and for the upcoming Token Sale and activity.
23'968'250 Sam (10%): will be provided to the founding and partner teams, of which 16'777'775 (70% of 23'968'250) will not be tradable for one year.
19'174'600 Sam (8%): will be reserved for the owner and an advisor of the original token, where 11'504'760 (60% of 19'174'600) will not be exchanged for 3 years.
4'793'650 Sam (2%): will be reserved for bounty campaign.
11'984'125 Sam (5%): will be reserved for future contributors (see below).
October 2017 ➣ Project begins
February 2018 ➣ Establishment AG
February to March 2018 ➣ First cube running.
March to October 2018 ➣ Development of SAM mining and SAM platform.
Beginning of May 2018 ➣ ICO.
Per July 2018 ➣ Development of a further cube.
Per July 2018 ➣ Project identification process and KYC.
October 2018 ➣ Purchase of the first power plant.
Ending 2018 ➣ Commissioning and leasing of the first cloud mining.
Beginning 2019 ➣ Electricity production.