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RE: The New Star In The Crypto Universe: NEO

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

If NEO is a company with potential, they'll listen to their end users. It'll prevent them from unnecessary waste of time and from losing the market's confidence.

My only reason to hold today, is the trust in the ability of China to demultiply the market cap of the start-up/companies they support. Also, exchanges are not implementing NEO yet, and fees on Bittrex are just a joke.

"HODL" and "MOON" comments are... weird. Even if it is fun, once in a while, to be excited about the overall dynamic of crypto, it seems a little... childish ? I mean, I have some money on the line. I can afford to lose it, but it's still a serious subject. I want some news, to read about some application ideas, debate about the last CTO statements, the future of ANC or the Byzantine system.
Please, ask yourself this question : do you seriously imagine two 35 year-old Wall Street brokers screaming "to the Moon" or "hodl" ?
Anyway, I hope that time will evacuate people that were only here for the adrealine and that do not have the patience to post something that has more than 5 useless words in it.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with trying to make a quick buck, but it's a high-risk idea. One should assume the consequences when it goes south.


You mean this


On the flipside, in ye olde days people did not take nerdy guys with glasses seriously until Bill Gates etc. made millions, and now the tech industry revolves around geeky people who do all kinds of immature stuff.
Maybe traditional investors are just... traditional, and perhaps the world is changing?

HODL may seem immature, but what it really represents is the attitude of 'Wanting crypto not dollars'. This is in essence what gives value to Bitcoin; the fact people want to hold it and not sell it. Because if the only point of crypto is to sell it for dollars it would quickly deflate. What then is the point of holding? Because you'll be able to do something (or more of something) in the future. What kind of things? Well, for starters, Bitcoin is what you want to hold so you can buy other crypto. What's that good for, you ask? Everything, I say. Webhosting, gaming, buying stuff, subscriptions, social media, etc. etc.
Those who HODL are in fact the ones trading in their fiat to their new currency of choice: internet money

In fact, an increasing number of people are not even HODLing long term to sell it anymore. With payment solutions like TenX coming out there will be no point in selling your crypto ever, especially not when it keeps earning dividends or rising in price whereas normal FIAT money is subject to yearly inflation. I know I put fiat in, and to be honest, I am not trading it back into fiat for the next 2 years at the very least and if things keep going well I may not ever. I'll just earn more digital assets, instead. So yes, I do HODL in projects that I believe have significantly more value in the future. It's pointless to sell for 5% gain when there's so much risk of losing out, and you're almost always better off just sticking to the long term plan.