4 Crypto Currencies to Invest In For the Future

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Technology has changed the face of the planet grasping every field within its sizable extended hand. When it comes to financing, it has changed our perception of investment. For a while now bitcoins have been known to dominate the market with increasing popularity and cost of the transaction.

It was sure that the prices were going to shoot up and leave people wondering how else they can acquire a coin. The Ethereum came with even more promises that changed people's perception on acquiring the coin. It was now official that this was an ideal investment and a long term business in the making.

Imagine earning coins that can generate you millions after a year or two. The market has since been dominated by more and more coins that were created. Which one will you choose? Let’s have a look at 4 currencies that might be good investments for the future.


Ethereum ($434.55) this is a masterpiece platform programmed by a guru Vitalik Buterin. Despite its resemblance to the bitcoin, ethereum's primary function was to be a platform for building decentralized applications. People stand to benefit from the popularity and use of apps. It operates on the block chain system with more advanced smart contact system for transactional confirmation. This is the most promising cryptocurrency platform that you can invest your money in and expect a lucrative outcome.


Neo ($30.22) the neo platform is inclined towards a smart economy, where funds are digitally transferred from one location to another, As well as other assets. Among the platforms that have a promising future in investment for aspiring users.


Dash ($218.93) dash has been created with the main purpose of buying goods and services. Just like bitcoin the Dash coin is used worldwide and operates the same way. However, Dash is advancing from the bitcoin methods to provide a fast and suitable means of transaction. With this kind of investment, you might be unstoppable after some years.

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Bitcoin Cash ($776.42) as we all know there are bitcoin miners who have machinery that helps them to mine digital gold. Bitcoin cash came from a disagreement between miners. There are series of votes carried out before something is ruled out or in officially, since the bitcoin choices on how to improve the system are based on a decentralized system but they could not agree hence the bitcoin cash was launched.

A futuristic mind will always have plans for tomorrow. This is why the modern world needs people like you and me to make that extra effort and invest in your future. The currencies discussed above might help you to choose a good platform for your investments and keep the future flourishing.